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  1. Thanks everyone for discussing this wakizashi.
  2. Good day everyone! Help determine the approximate period of this wakizashi. The length of the sword in the scabbard is 57 cm. There is a photocopy of the document. I will be grateful for any information. Thank you. With respect to you.
  3. Good day! The upper dirk of your junior official of the Ministry of National Railways is from 1909, but the screw (menuki) is not native. The lower dirk is an early officer's sea coat of the 1883 model (rare).
  4. Thanks for the answer! Corrected the errors.
  5. Good day, dear forum members! I got such a small selection of tsuba. Since I do not have sufficient knowledge in this direction, I am asking for your help. The question is, are these tsuba real or souvenirs for tourists? Thanks for the answer!
  6. Although the image from the Imperial Decree of February 1935 is not very clear, but still they allowed to identify this dagger as the dagger of an official of the Manchukuo Imperial Court! An extremely rare dagger! I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who participated in the discussion.
  7. And here is the solution to the ornament and the identification of the dagger. The first thing I noticed was a mysterious flower with leaves. It was most similar to the stylized orchid ornament of the coat of arms of Manchukuo, but without intermediate flowers. The second argument for the Manchukuo dagger is a single suspension ring. In Japan, there are not many daggers with a single suspension ring. And, finally, the third argument is the plum blossom menuki.
  8. And it turns out to be a stylized orchid flower - another symbol of Manchukuo
  9. Thanks for your guesses. I understand that it must be seen in the context of all the images of this dagger. Please pay attention to the menuki on the handle. I think I'm getting close to solving this dagger and it's really exciting.
  10. Good day! The emperor cannot be wrong. The picture, which was kindly provided by Nick Komiya, from the imperial decree of 1909 on the introduction of dagger of the Ministry of National Railways. It clearly shows that 3-5-3 paulownia was used on the dagger of junior officials (such corts are relatively common). The dagger of senior officials has completely different images on the fittings.
  11. Good day everyone! I need your help. Maybe someone came across this symbol on a weapon. This is the first time I have come across the image of this flower on sheath decoration elements. And even, there are no guesses, what kind of plant is this. Thank you all for your reply.
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