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  1. That'd be my guess. Looks like a gaku-mei that fell out. Those sticker appraisals on the shirasaya are interesting. I haven't seen those before. Another thought, has this blade been retempered? The hamon looks to run off at the nakago, but the tang also has signs of suriage and a gakumei. Edit: This picture makes me wonder if there has been saiha
  2. Alternative torture method: Buy an 8 volume set of nihonto books that don't have an English translation and index them manually. I learned a lot of kanji for names that way, but I wouldn't necessarily recommend it to someone who doesn't want 80lbs of sword books they can't read taking up their bookshelf space.
  3. Wouldn't this be Munetsugu? I also don't know if this is the same smith but Fujishiro mentions a Munemichi that signed Munetsugu initially from Echizen Shimosaka:
  4. This is a great tool that I also use for kanji I don't recognize right away or for kanji that aren't common on mei.
  5. Would a good sayagaki by Tanobe have any impact at Juyo shinsa?
  6. Good call. Tanobe had a lot to elaborate on with my sword and gave a firmer attribution than the NBTHK did. His opinion is always a good addition, especially on any early swords coming out of Japan.
  7. 羽後住國慶作 https://nihontoclub.com/smiths/KUN1880 Ugo Kuniyoshi?
  8. A kitchen scale with a microfiber cloth to protect the blade would work great
  9. 2,702,000JPY final price. $17,616 or 17,006 euro
  10. 2.65M and climbing. We might see this go to 3M JPY
  11. 2.5M JPY final price Edit: Nevermind the auction is still going, might go even higher
  12. This one wouldn’t bother me. i posted one a while back where the bohi extended into the kissaki quite a bit that I thought looked a bit off.
  13. Are there examples of many re-tempered blades at Juyo+? I'd imagine the much more detailed Juyo papers would have lots of commentary available on the retempering.
  14. Great video @GeorgeLuucas! I don't know much at all about tsuba but this was very informational!
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