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  1. There was another one of these the other day with pictures referencing some of Compton’s books and a similar sayagaki. There seems to be many of these Compton masterpiece swords popping up recently with suspicious papers.
  2. Looks like Takehisa to me 武久
  3. Oof yeah, I've seen some replicas at the local mall store that look better than that
  4. 4 first 3 second as it’s a bigger blade and I like big nanbokucho blades 1 last
  5. Great show! Highlights for me were the Nanbokucho bizen presentation by the NBTHK. 2 TokuJu and 10 Juyo blades available for study. Other highlights included being able to study a Shintogo Kunimitsu tanto, various ichimonji blades, and an incredibly healthy Nakajima Rai. It was great to see fellow NMB members as well and put faces to names and grab lunch and dinner with a few of you.
  6. I saw a few people drop a few thousand in cash for some purchases. I imagine for something like the Katayama Ichimonji that’s for sale would be handled via check or wire transfer.
  7. I can’t wait to see it and many other amazing swords.
  8. Also, here is Juyo Sukehira that just went up for sale with a chip in the ha. https://nihonto.com/5-1-24/
  9. Will you be at the SF show next weekend? I'd love to talk to you about this wonderful sword! Absolutely stunning.
  10. I'll likely be one of the younger people there so I should be easy to spot
  11. I guess this was where I was wondering. i see lots of mumei Ko-aoe and aoe attributions. But the NBTHK must have seen something that they thought pin pointed this to Ietsugu. I know they have vastly more records and resources than we do, but in English there just isn’t much out there on the late Kamakura-Nanbokucho era Ietsugu. I also haven’t found another origami with an attribution to this smith.
  12. Thanks! The Aoe attribution was pretty easy to see. There is sumigane, saki ashi, nioideki hamon (points to late kamakura - nanbokucho like you said). I was curious about the specific attribution to Ietsugu. There is very very little reference to Aoe Ietsugu that I can find. Seems not a lot of extant works are out there, especially not with NBTHK papers.
  13. Got my plane tickets and room booked! Excited to see everyone there in a few weeks
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