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About JohnWB

  • Birthday 07/22/1980

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    Central Texas

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    John B

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  1. Thank you for all of the help guys. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. I'm always trying to learn more, and I feel like this sword has a lot to teach.
  2. @lonely panet I am extremely happy with the sword, but my ignorance is shining through, what is machi-mori? Thank you @Bugyotsuji for the translation help! Anyone have any idea which Sukesada signed with a 3 kanji mei? All of the signatures I can find are longer signatures except for the very early ones.
  3. I picked this up today at the Wannamaker show and was hoping to get some help on the translation. I will post more pics of the fittings in a reply to this post. The family mon appears to be the Watanabe family Crest. The tag said "Watanabe Bosh Family Crest", but I cant find any info on the "Bosh" part of that. The blade is unusually straight, but I have not measured the sori. The tassel looks like new, but it appears legit to me and a few others I showed it to. The nakago has a nice dark color and appears several hundred years old to me, but I am definitely not an expert and would appreciate any help with approximate age and translation of the mei. What are your thoughts on the sword and tassel, and I would greatly appreciate any help on the translation of the mei. Thank you!
  4. I have to say, they did a nice clean start on that bohi. It starts too far from the habaki and there's a myriad of other problems, but that is the cleanest start on a bohi that I have seen on one of these brass handled fakes. From the extra tooling marks in the end of the bohi, it looks like they got in there and cleaned it up to make it look a bit more legit at a glance.
  5. Here you go Bruce: Link to the comment:
  6. Aaah, I wish I'd seen this a few weeks ago. I am up in Lampasas, but I'd love to start coming down to meetings if this is going to be a regular thing. I am fairly new to nihonto, and it would be great to connect with others in central Texas with a similar interest. Please let me know if there is another meeting scheduled.
  7. Outstanding! Thank you for the help @Bruce Pennington & @BANGBANGSAN! Bruce, I went through the stamps doc 3 times and never saw that lol. I figured it had to be there somewhere and I had just looked over it. Thank you for putting that together. As far as the list goes, believe me, I am trying to resist, but yeah, all those are on my list, and a 94, and a 97, and a few more lol. I keep telling myself “It’s not a race, it’s a marathon, find the good ones that are also priced right, and you’ll get there eventually.” Temptation is tough though lol.
  8. I just picked up this type 95 and I am really pleased with it. I am hoping y'all can help with a bit more information. If I understand correctly, the stamps on the fuchi are: Suya Shoten, Tokyo 1st Arsenal inspection stamp, and Tokyo 1st Arsenal. Here are my questions: What is the significance of the outer 2 stamps in relation to the manufacturing of the sword? As in were the parts manufactured in one place and assembled in the other, or some parts from both? What is the stamp on the saya drag? Can anyone give an approximate date of manufacture? SN 148224 As always, I really appreciate all the help and expertise everyone here so freely gives. This is an incredible group of people with an inexhaustible wealth of knowledge. -John
  9. Here's this one currently on ebay: https://www.ebay.com...r=artemis&media=COPY
  10. That's fantastic! Thank you for the information. Love getting to see the examples of his other work and the evolution of his mei. Outstanding information and thanks for the help on that Gifu stamp. I had no idea what it was.
  11. Bruce, Here are the stamps you asked about on this type 3. There is a stamp on each side of the nakago at the top and one on the mune. Nagoya arsenal? Any idea what the stamp on the mune is?
  12. I just saw this one on ebay from Showa22: "Prototype Koa Isshin Mantetsu", serial No. N 1 https://www.ebay.com/itm/235395849937?hash=item36ceaf9ed1:g:dREAAOSwtqVlrF9B&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4DY2SjvTfA41OFCuE3Awoend%2F5b6BHNgVonp1wojbrNmyBv7UUFvSxf6bDxml1%2FvaZDFumMbLTEGD239o9sDO%2BwJt5CYCIOH7k1fWXoW%2BFBki5Mx%2FAUP6mLDl47xOb8ijq%2Fw0HKLxFplbanUQdYuc6kgzRBc%2FnFRHedWMSReZi4AsJEfQA0JlKYIJcYQ0dGojAJKHM1xbkhWNzkTMznDLQoWp%2BsoBfvDVGn1lUPCTMOkchgAlLY3dO%2F9qAS5Ufom%2FZUoP2uoKdrjzYVqXJNGWLxAy%2Fya8qovGrCOwpIq%2Bwt7|tkp%3ABk9SR_DA8sKnYw
  13. Thank you for the translation @David Flynn. I really appreciate the help! -John
  14. I will if I can get my hands on it. I'm going to hopefully talk to the guy tomorrow, and if we can work something out, I'll post clear pictures when I get it.
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