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  1. Here’s the flag
  2. Thank you for the help much appreciated
  3. Have a small ww2 flag with Japanese kanji hopefully someone can help translate. thank you
  4. Here are the pics tang and found that the waki Fuchi has Mei on it can any translate
  5. Have added pics of tanto and in its mounts
  6. Hi, I could use some help with translation of a sword Mei . I will add more pics of unsigned tanto (pics of blade) and of waklzashi(with the Mei) picked up today from a ww2 vet’s son once I have more time. Thank you thank you
  7. Thank you for the help and the replies. http://www.nramuseum.org/guns/the-galleries/the-american-west-1850-to-1900/case-21-tin-stars-sixguns-frontier-justice/connecticut-arms-hammond-bulldog.aspx
  8. I have been a little lucky with foreign guns with Japanese kanji here are a couple I have for you view.
  9. Hi need a little help with translation on kanji on a American pistol was told. Ibaraki prefecture number 723 but was also told Meiji 7 number 23 Ibaraki prefecture. Any clarification would be appreciated. thank you
  10. They never show detail pics of the larger blade just focus small blade.
  11. If the offer was excepted at $250.00 did someone got a deal ? https://www.ebay.com/itm/WW2-Japanese-KNIFE-DOUBLE-KNIFE-SET-WITH-SHEATH-/224391321606?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&nma=true&si=RuRl1JVPGcEfZRU1PxgWjPV9xxY%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
  12. Helmet looks to new to me . the price for the set is just under $2500.00 with out shipping and taxes. Sounds fair for edo period? If you like link to site pm me as I considering passing on item.
  13. Would like your thoughts and opinions on an online item for sale thinking of purchasing. Japanese Edo Period Foot Soldier Samurai Armor With Helmet And Storage Box. Edo period blown lacquer on iron armor set comprising side hinged front and back plates of iron chain mail connecting small lacquered iron plates, backed with cloth. Arm, hand, apron and shin components of the same construction. Brown lacquer iron helmet with neck lames, removable gilt lacquer crest and blue cotton liner. Most pieces show wear to the cloth backing, the lower apron and shin guard with extensive wear to the cloth. The metal is mostly in very good condition, connecting cords and laces are replaced as are some fittings. Set is contained within a pine armor case with iron fittings and handles, lock is missing. Not sure if Edo period looks to new to me.
  14. Thank you for your help -Moriyama Koichi
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