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Everything posted by Schmitty

  1. Hello, I was hoping someone could help me locate a book I found a while back but lost the link where to buy it, I seem to remember seeing a link on these forums. It was an illustrated book in English going over various early tachi koshirae like hyogogusari and was available in digital form from the authors website. Any help or similar books would be greatly appreciated. Edit: Annnnd..I found it Koshirae Taikan
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  2. Completely understand and wish the best for your son. Learning remotely would definitely be the way to go for me. Funny you mention Watanabe Shoten I had it saved already as a go to place for supplies in my notes and I would not dare attempt any work or restoration with real Japanese amour/swords or anything of the like. Than you for the kind words David and at this time plan to continue research on Urushi techniques before having a go at it myself maybe start with fuki urushi on some hashi/chopsticks. Thanks again for your time.
  3. Hello David, unfortunately studying in Japan is financially unfeasible for me, as much of a dream as that would be, but I completely understand the reasons. Your work is beautiful and inspiring and I thank you for the response.
  4. No I have not, I wanted to exhaust all other options before I pester them with questions but I suppose there is no harm in asking. Ill send him an email, Thanks for the reply.
  5. Hello, would anyone be able to point me in the direction of some resources/books/videos/blogs specifically on applying Urushi on metal and rawhide armor. The two things I am most interested in is 1: how exactly is this build up achieved on rawhide kozane before and after it is laced. I assume the rawhide is treated similarly to fuki urushi before lacing but then it looks like some kind of build up of material/filler, see first photo, before the final polished layers. 2: I don't know what the proper Japanese terminology is but how is the edgingtrim on metal Japanese armor built up. You can see it chipping/flaking away in this photo. I believe it's some Urushi clay mixture. Any help would be greatly appreciated thank you.
  6. Shoot sorry, should of read the FAQ more closely, thanks anyway.
  7. Hello I was wondering if I could get some help in determining the time period for these style of these reproduction tachi. The era I am most interested is around the Genpei war but I think these are like ones from the muromachi period as I cant find any Hyogo-gusari no Tachi at a reasonable price. Unless maybe they could be some what easily modified with the chains for wearing. Cant copy photos so I have to post links. https://www.dremswor...ull-tang-sharp-blade https://www.dremswor...isted-shaped-texture taken from: https://www.dremswor...om/collections/tachi
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