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    Doug Austin

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  1. Price Reduction $1500...same terms
  2. Sorry, I'm unable to help with that one.
  3. Sorry not on the website. I have been inactive and haven't updated for few years. Please see pic below............
  4. One of the first pieces to go missing...... I have them for $30 AUD
  5. Daisho Fuchi Kashira & Menuki Set with NBTHK Certificate. The theme is Insects and Flowers and the set comes in a custom made box. It is seldom that you find a complete matching and papered daisho set of both fuchi kashira & menuki. Price $1700 US Plus Pay Pal and Postage Cost. Regards Doug
  6. Hi John No pictures because i got rid of it. Wear can be created. I have heard of fellows throwing replica tassels up on their roof for a month to age them and its easy to pull apart thread to create wear. I'm not saying that the tassel is a fake, its just that the color creates doubt. I never seen a color pics of any general with one of this type but who knows.......... Doug
  7. I have always had my doubts about these types of generals tassels with the Light Beige Tassels instead of the traditional yellow gold color. The tassels are Not Faded, they are a distinct Light beige Color. I myself purchased one of these types of generals Tassels sight unseen some 35 years ago, also from a collector in Florida. The odd one has popped up over the years however i have always had my doubts that they are original. Doug
  8. Hi Bruce The sword is in civilian mounts with typical showa period tsuba and F/K although antique menuki (Arrows). Koto sue Bizen Blade. It never had a tassel however there are a couple of pin holes were one was probably attached. The sword was souvenired in Rabaul by a member of the Australian 31/51 Bat. I believe the Japanese owner was probably a civilian attached to the Navy as as a lot of Japanese naval Insignia was also souvenired by the same Aussie Digger. Rabaul was a staging point for Japanese Navy and Army prisoner's of war until they were repatriated to Japan in mid 1946. This is the very sword that ignited my interest in Japanese swords about 57 years ago. I was a kid at the time and when it was pulled out of the saya ...i just thought WOW! The sword was brought back by my late sister-in-laws brother and it is now in my care after all these years. Doug
  9. Thank you Vadim and Piers for your help. Much appreciated. I was hoping someone could see enough of the last kanji to make it out however it is too far gone.
  10. Thank you...... I also read Sane but can only guess what that last character is. The curves on the bottom strokes remind me of Mitsu.
  11. I would appreciate any help with the translation of the above Kanji. many thanks in advance. Kind Regards Doug
  12. I have had a change of heart and have decided to withdraw the Okimasa at this time and sell some other items instead. Kind Regards Doug
  13. For a quick sale in this current depressed market ,I would be willing to let the Tsukamoto Okimasa go for $9000AUD (Australian Dollars) which is currently about $6900US. This price is less than a reasonable Yasukunito and $3,000AUD less than my original asking price, which was what I paid for it. The blade is in great condition as is the shingunto koshirae, which comes with a blue/brown company grade tassel. I will get some pics up as soon as I can, however you will find some by searching the NMB. Kind Regards Doug
  14. Yes i will be selling more. The next to be listed will be The Tsukamoto Okimasa in Shingunto Koshirae. It will be going back up for sale at a reduced price from what it was advertised for some 12 months or more ago. Doug
  15. SOLD............. Thank you to the buyer and to all those who who shown interest. Kind regards Doug
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