Thank you for your help! Im overwhelmed by all the response on my question!. The blade seems to be in original polish. the hamon is clearly visible along the whole edge of the blade.
Which is strange is that the kissaki seems to be scratched with sandpaper. Might his have been a field sharpening or did this never happen?
There is also pitting along the back of the blade, how do these impact the worth of the katana?
Thank you for the translation! There is no seki stamp so i wonder wo he was.
The hamon (which was very hard to photograph is very irregular with high peaks, might this indicate a gendaito? The first auction the katana sold at indicates it as a meji blade, they might be wrong though, i will call them and try to verify.
I also like the seppa, it was indicated as goldplated by the auction house it sold at (they are very thorough so might be correct.
Im happy to hear the menuki is easy to replace, the current one also seems to be gold or goldplated as visible in the picture.
I saw someone is selling ashi on here so that would be perfect, the next question would be how i would get the current one of.
The ito is sold here ( pure silk) I would love the rewrapping myself , would that be possible with patience and clamping the blade? Seems like quite a work but doable.
I was looking at other items at the auction and came upon it 2 hours before close, really liked to look of it so just bought it on gut feeling.
youre correct, thank you.
i didnt even have time to take a good look at the blade when i brought it home, you seem to be right, seppa and menuki also seem to be goldplated and gold.
Thank you bruce, i must say im a bit shocked i got this got of a deal, i was feeling bummed about the missing Would that price still be viable with the condition of the kissaki and the pitting on the back of the blade?
I do have the time to restore it, its mostly a question of wanting, although polshing is a very zen experience.