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    Alex Anderson

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  1. Any guesses on an age it was made? I was thinking the fittings were edo but wasn’t sure about the age of the blade
  2. Happy New years everyone! Anyone wanna offer their opinion on if this katana is authentic? I believe it is and it has been shortened. But never hurts to ask the professionals. Any other information is helpful as well! Thanks!
  3. I believe this is export paperwork for the Wakizashi. Could anyone translate what is says? Thanks in advance!
  4. Hey all! I bought a gunto and it has a tassel with it. Can anyone tell me if it’s real or a reproduction?
  5. Okay, Thank you John!
  6. Hey all, Just wondering if the tassel on this gunto is authentic of fake? It seems to be in good condition compared to the sword itself, which makes me suspicious. And I'm far from an expert
  7. Can anyone make this one out?
  8. Thank you!
  9. Can anyone make out the signature on this gunto??
  10. Sorry in advance for the poor lighting. Can anyone translate?
  11. Hey all. Just wanted to get your thoughts on the authenticity of these blades before I buy. You can never be too careful.these days. In my opinion, I think the wakizashi is real but I’m not sure about the katana. What do you guys think?
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