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Gunome last won the day on November 7 2020

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    Sebastien V.

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  1. Hello For me it is a genuine edo period tsuba
  2. Hello, Yes, I sent him a message on the group of our sword club. He replied me on Wednesday evening saying he is back, and with a joke. I didn't asked, but I guess he is probably busy and will post a message here soon.
  3. Hello, don't be worry about Jean. I just send him a message, to let him know about this post. He will probably reply here to everybody
  4. I have never heard of this. Do you know if it would work to repatinate a shakudo insert on an iron tsuba by exposing it to the sun? how long would it take? sorry for the off-topic
  5. Here is one of my tsuba with a similar umbrella but not the rain. Mei : Sadahiro
  6. Hello, Thanks for your replies For me, no issue on the nakago, it is ubu and looks consistent with the blade. The color difference is just the shadow because I have the light in my back when I taken the photos.
  7. more pic if it can help
  8. Hello, Excepted the Ju, I cannot identify the other kanji of this mei on a Koto tanto. Too tricky for me due to bad condition of the nakago. Also the strokes are thin. Does anyone has an idea on the mei ? Thanks
  9. Gunome

    Wild things

    Another hawk on a kashira from Sonobe Yoshihide
  10. What about an Umetada school influence ?
  11. Neither 2000 dollars nor 2000 yen
  12. Many thanks Moriyama san !
  13. Hello, I need your help to decipher this mei on a tanto tsuba. I can read Toryusai 東竜斎 Hide ? 秀 XX ? Do you confirm 東竜斎 toryusai ? I don't success to read the 2 last kanji, (not sure for the Hide 秀) Thanks Sébastien
  14. Hello Maybe a butterfly or dragonfly as you suggested https://varshavskyco...collection/tsu-0353/ What about lotus root ?
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