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  1. Really really appreciate all your help guys...Thank you!!
  2. Thanks so much everyone for the information!! Wish I had done some more homework previously. If anyone has any idea about the kanji script, Id still like to know about that. Thanks again Patrick
  3. Last one. Bruce I just had a look at some the previous posts, and came across one that you commented on regarding the Almite coating that some of these had.
  4. I will have to load them in a few posts, as they appear to be too large.
  5. Hello. Being pretty new to this forum, I hope that I am on the correct page to ask this question...I recently bought a Type95 Shin Gunto, and then did what everyone says not to do, and removed the Tsuka.This is what I found underneath. Can anyone translate this, and would you mind commenting on the significance if any?
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