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Everything posted by Zoglet

  1. That's what I was thinking. Plus, I'm young, so, lots of time to build a fine collection! For now, there are Norimunes from 1394 to 1555 from Bizen for Muromachi period, so I'll treat it as one of them.
  2. I know, right? Kodachi are an interesting beast, but hey, we win some, we lose some. Still a good graduation gift from Dad. Will send it to shinsa when I can.
  3. Thank you so much for the information.
  4. I getcha. Thanks anyway.
  5. Here's an oshigata of the sword. 1 shaku, 6 sun, 6 bu, 5 rin, so same length as my sword.
  6. Isn't there a Ko-Bizen Kageyasu kodachi out there at 50 cm?
  7. So, with the belief that the sword is mid to late Muromachi, would the sword still even be a kodachi, or something else? Furthermore, if it's no issue, do you have any photos of these kodachi? Just would like some references for later purchases, if okay. Thank you so much for your wisdom!
  8. Hey, sorry I didn't put this up earlier, but thanks for putting up with my endless questions. It means a lot! Kinda new to the whole nihonto thing (was surprised with this sword by my dad as a graduation gift and I wanted to learn more about it). Can't wait to learn even more!
  9. I getcha. Just thought it'd be some help to have the numbers. Sorry.
  10. So, I got the measurements for the sword. Is there anything that can be said from them? Nagasa: 50.5 cm Sori: 1.3 cm (from kissaki to hamachi) 1.58 cm (from kissaki to kurijiri nakago) Motohaba: 2.54 cm Kissaki: 2.85 cm Sakihaba: 1.58 cm Motokasane: 0.47 cm Sakikasane: 0.3 cm Tsukurikomi: Shinogi Zukuri with Iori Mune
  11. The one thing that still has me confused, however, is that the sayagaki mentions previous origami at some point by Hon'ami Nariaki which supports the Norimune attribution. Sorry I'm asking so many questions. Just want to learn more as I go.
  12. Thank you so much for your time. Guessing at this point the blade is kind of worthless?
  13. So, what would that say then about the Nishu sayagaki?
  14. Let me try to get you close up photos of the Hamon. Additionally, I tried to make comparisons with as many Norimune mei as I could get, and I found one with a similar gap. Not trying to challenge your wisdom, just sharing the research I've also been trying to do. Please enlighten me.
  15. I getcha. Where would you put it?
  16. True. Despite that, I found a Fukuoka Ichimonji kodachi from Kencho era Norifusa with the same blade shape, so, until paperwork is here, I guess anything's possible.
  17. Thanks a lot for your input! Can't wait to see what shinsa says, but love to learn more. Curious to what you mean however by "checked many times." Very sorry to criticize, but the wording was a little bit awkward there. Could you please explain what you meant?
  18. If you'd like, here are some photos from the original seller.
  19. Sent the photos here with discrepancies specifically due to the imperfections there, although, will try to get better photos once my incandescent lights come in.
  20. Going to send it in for shinsa as soon as I can. The sword's sayagaki highlights that the sword originally had origami from Hon'ami Nariaki, but those seem to be lost to history. Until I can send for shinsa, I've been using comparisons of the same mei on museum and shrine swords, alongside comparisons of the hamon, hada, and measuremenrs of other swords to make a judgement. As soon as I can, the sword will be sent for a polish and judgement.
  21. After some time, I was finally able to get my hands on a kodachi (yay!) and I'm excited to show it!
  22. I see. He appears to be the 12th generation appraiser.
  23. Sorry if this would be a bother, but my sword must have lost its origami from Nariaki over the years. Could you tell me a little about him? I'm familiar with the earlier Hon'ami, alongside Koson onwards, but his name escapes me. Thank you so much!
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