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2devnul last won the day on September 19 2023

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  1. That cut on Nakago looks interesting. Like a cut through Tsuka all the way into Nakago. If there ware fingers/hand on the Tsuka then you can imagine what happened. Based on what I see (Kenjutsu techniques) and read/hear (historians) attacks on writs/hands/Tsuka was pretty common.
  2. That makes sense, you are probably right about it. How can you tell? I understand that cool story behind damage is what everyone wants, but you will never know. It could have been damaged in XX century, by a new American 'sword owner' who was chopping wood See the patina difference? It looks like new Machi is way younger.
  3. Hi Stefan, I love it but can't afford it ;( good luck with the sale! Looks like a great sword.
  4. Hi, Tsukaito made without hishigami, is that normal/common?
  5. Correct me if I'm wrong, but sword should be in decent (even if old) polish when submiting. Not like that. Hard to tell anything if you can't see what's hidden behind rust.
  6. Hi, please treat my comment lightly. Just na amator opinion here. Sugata (overall shape) and kissaki (tip) suggests shinto IMHO. However, hada and nakago looks Sue bizen (koto). Maybe shinto hizen (sugata), but then nakago isn't matching.
  7. I have no idea, I just learned today what yakidashi is in general Overall condition of the sword suggests either very late shinto or shinshinto, so that guess could be a good one. I will need to find some "papered" swords of this smith and compare the work. Thanks for the help gentlemen! I'm looking forward to any other comments.
  8. Mr. Sesko helped with understanding what yakidashi is. Now the question is, which one do you see.
  9. Thanks Oli! Let me first check what yakidashi is and I will get back to you. In the meantime few more pictures. Maybe Hamachi or sugata can help.
  10. 2devnul

    Sword Advice

    Hi, My very quick guess, based on Tsuka, tsuba, saya = made in China (replica, not Nihonto). Rust on blade doesn't help, and gold-painted hamon-wannabe is also strange thing. It will help if you could remove tsuka and show nakago. Also kissaki pictures are helpful. You will find instructions on how to remove tsuka either here or on YT/Internet. Same for cleaning/maintenace.
  11. Thanks for the comments gentlemen, please keep them coming. A lot of them (with good pictures of swords) in Internet too. I'm struggling to get even close in order to pin-point which smith/school it is. I wish this sword to be Hosokawa Masayoshi Den, but then it should look Bizen/Shoshu-den alike, which it isn't (as per my amateur judgment).
  12. Hello, Please share your thoughts about below sword. No papers, looking for any additional details. Nagasa 54,8cm; Sori 1,2cm;
  13. That's a robbery! I can't say I'm happy for you (u know why) but I do envy u... Great deal, congratulations!
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