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    John C. Stroud

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  1. Makes me wonder why some were "signed" but most were not.
  2. On my Toyosuke #45 The tsuka insriptions use the 4th and fifth characters of the go-juon hiragana chart with no prefix characters it would be an assuption of mine that the characters represent the numbers 45. I hope that this clarifies my previous post.
  3. I think the number was 8747 to be exact. In accordance to U.S. Army declassified info.
  4. Could we see the blade ...please. ?here are the the 2 Toyosuke swords that I currently own.
  5. Yes ,Bruce has a database for the Nlf aka souvenir swords,I would like to see the rest of it! Two more to compare.
  6. Ouch did I just hit a nerve? Surely you jest. Your experience and tenure were never once questioned.your contribution to the forum well founded. I stand quite surprised by your responses.but oh well ....perhaps a good tranquilizer is is in order?😁
  7. To answer your question:Forgive me if I seem "glib" it is not my intention to be controversial . I only want to bring out insights on various observations about this type of swords based on my notes and studies about them. My intent is know more about them,not to make them worth more they speak for themselves. I enjoy this forum and all the members contributions in the pursuit of knowing more about genuine Japanese swords which these are.this reminds me of what my dad used to say: "I was jus pokin fun but yall took it serious" As to my age... likely older than yourself.
  8. Boy you really like these swords dont you? Oh if these swords could only talk..... oh well I do like them they serve their intended purpose. To hang on the wall. And to remind us of what not to do..... harm others.
  9. Mei,Mei,Mei....now getting back to the question: Is this a real Japanese Naval Sword? The answer is yes .made by the Japanese Naval Sword Company in Zishi Japan also known as Tenshozan Tanrenjo .
  10. RJT Manufacturing Specifications thread. small:2.0〜2.1尺  731.25〜768.75 grams medium:2.1〜2.2尺  768.75〜806.25 grams  large:2.2〜2.3尺  806.25〜843.75 grams These specs. I was only using these specs as an example of the strict adherance of weight standards.
  11. In reference to the question of whether these swords were wartime surplus... consider a recent comparison of two souvenir swords made by Toyosuke where the weights of both were within "point 2 ounces" reinforcing the Stringent RJT weight requirements.why would they care about exacting weights if they were intended to be a souvenir? This supports the theory that the were indeed intended for military use.
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