Hello All,
I recently picked up this sword at a antique store. It looks to be a family blade in a earlier Guntō fittings. The signature is 肥前國住人藤(原) hizenkoku jyūnin fuji(wara)
The blade has a nicer hamon than a Guntō sword and it has a heft, width, and length that well exceed the Type 98 Guntō I have. So based on all of this I can semi-accurately conclude it is a family sword in military fittings. The tang also looks to be cut for this mounting as well.
Most interesting of all is the military scabbard cover which says:
-kaigun guni taisa(minamisato/nanri)senichi
dai hachi kaigun byōin
-Navy Doctor Captain Minamisato(nanri) Senichi
Eighth Navy Hospital
I am looking for anyone that can expand on the: date of the sword, possibly confirming the name, and any other things that can be shared.
I greatly appreciate all of the assistance.