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  1. Dear Bill I sent you an email early this morning (AM 4:58 European time ) for the new books you have for sell but I didnt get any answer and now some are sold I thought email was a good way to contact you but as pm you don't seem to be answering . I m sorry but I ll cancel my order on the 1, 3, 5 , 8 and leave it to other peoples . Wish you a good end of the day Regards Marc
  2. Good evening i can understand reading pm on the forum aren't that easy, but I thought you had access to your personal email, but I never got any answer since this morning . Have a good end of day . Cordially Marc
  3. Hello Thank you i ll take it, Do you have any other books for sell ? Cordially
  4. Thank you for your answer If you can get a me a quote for the cheaper one and one for priority . like thatbi ll have an idea of the cost . Cordially
  5. Hello sir i send you a message yesterday about your books . Did you received it ? cordially
  6. They all look beautiful I wish you a good sell Cordially Marc
  7. Thank you not traditional but at list, it s not a copy Cordially Marc
  8. Thank you you are talking about the kozuka ?
  9. What do you think of the kozuka ?
  10. Thank you for your answers and opinions
  11. Good evening Im looking for some opinion on this Wakizashi please I was thinking it s a copy because of the poor quality of it, some parts seem to be molded . Could you confirm me or not that I was thinking Thank you Sorry but I have only this 2 photos with me
  12. Im new in this but the collection you are selling are juste beautiful I couldn't buy any because I don't have the knowledge but I really appreciate all of them I wish you a good sell
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