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    Indian antique swords, learning about Nihonto

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    Subegh Singh

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  1. I've got one NTHK papered, however, it's Tenpo period if interested. Comes with its original Koshirae as well ~72cm nagasa (will double check) I can send more pictures if interested
  2. 23, started about a year ago after collecting Indopersian arms for about a year
  3. I have a Shinto Wakizashi in fresh polish that I’m willing to let go for $700 plus post. I have a copy of its torushko and I originally bought it from someone located in Australia as well. You can pm me if interested
  4. Thank you, is it perhaps maybe Gassan Sadaharu and not Sadakiyo? I’m not finding any Sadakiyo and the listing seemed to say Sadaharu
  5. Found a listing with this certificate but doesn’t look like NBTHK Hozon or the NTHK NPO paper I’m used to seeing. Could I get some guidance and a translation?
  6. Terrible news but it appears ParcelForce is also prohibiting blades starting May 7th https://www.parcelfo...ons-and-restrictions
  7. Hello NMB, This Kozuka came with the Koshirae for my Norimitsu Wakizashi. I imagine it probably reads Bizen Osafune Norimitsu but just wanted to double check. Thank you
  8. Ah, If Seppa could talk…
  9. Hello NMB, I’m having some trouble making out the Kanji on this pair of Seppa. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated
  10. Thank you, do you know if it says which generation or whether the paper was from the main branch?
  11. Hi all, I was hoping to get some help on translating the paper and the handwriting on the envelope, Many thanks
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