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Mark C

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Mark C last won the day on February 24 2015

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About Mark C

  • Birthday 05/24/1966

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    UK - Bucks
  • Interests
    Nihonto and photography

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    Mark C

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  1. Hi, I think you will need a black powder/muzzle loader slot on an FAC to shoot it in the UK. Regards
  2. Thanks Uwe, really don't know why I don't use the search option first before posting for help, Must be my age Found this: Regards
  3. Thanks Ray, Much appreciated. Regards
  4. Hi All, I have this fuchi/kashira set that has a signed fuchi. I have hopefully got the translation correct as - Haruyoshi Saku Am I close? Thanks in advance. Regards
  5. Sadly I believe it will get worse as we are governed by a bunch of idiots and have an ever increasing number of people who can't decide if they are Male, Female or a bloody desk lamp. Banning things is not the answer, Education is and I think the UK has passed that stage.
  6. Thank you both. All the best
  7. I believe so John but my old eyes cant make it out. close up below
  8. Hi All, i have this yari and have had a bash at translating the mei. there seems to be reminants of black lacquer all over the kanji. my attempt at the translation would be: Satsuyo shi okudaira Moto ? sadly the last character is rusted out. am i anywhere near ? thanks in advance all the best Mark
  9. Love that Bruce, Pac Man with a mohawk, great description. I also notice how the three stamp examples above are all different in small ways? Regards
  10. Hi Bruce, Translation are under the pictures and they are labels and things produced at the Nakano shoten shop/workshop. (Possibly the workshop of the stamp on the seppa and tsuba above)
  11. Really interesting. I had forgot all about searching the 1942 Kurihara banzuke list I did a quick search on Nakano shoten shop/workshop and found this:
  12. Thanks Bruce, Very interesting, a mixture of suguha and wild, like mine.
  13. It would interesting to see the Hamon's on the Yoshisuke blades. All the best
  14. Hi All, Just got this Shin gunto in a black leather covered saya, Non pierced tsuba, full set of 8 seppa all with the number 25 stamped on them plus another small inspection stamp. The nakago is signed (I think) Shimada Yoshisuke. No Seki or Showa stamps The only stamp it has is a warrior stamp. For interest, Here is the Signature Hamon And finally tsuba and seppa stamps All the best
  15. I'm impressed, Thank you Mal and Bruce
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