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Everything posted by Jiro49

  1. Thank you!
  2. Thank you!!
  3. Kashu kiyomitsu, oei jidai (shodai was bunan?) The rest im lost. Thanks in advance!
  4. I read this article while trying to figure out what this kizu was from.I always saw a karasaguchi depicted in the kissaki but this states on the "mune" as well? Cracks on the spine (karasaguchi): For single edged blades, cracks noted on the spine (back) of the blade are extremely serious, indicating a stress fracture Www.tameshigiri.ca
  5. Not sure if these are shinae from being straightened or cracks? Thanks in advance!
  6. Thanks for the information! Pete, is there a particular kantei point which leads you to gime?
  7. Im posting from my cell and I swear the pictures are not horizontal prior to uploading them???
  8. The kozuka(not mine)has TBH the other is a small wakizashi tsuba(mine). Thanks in advance for your thoughts!
  9. That works, thank you!
  10. Just a quick question are tsuba similar to nihonto in regards to size/value? Is a tanto size worth less than a katana size by the same maker? Thanks!
  11. I still say poorly carved mei, it doesnt look like any examples that I could find doing a quick search..
  12. If all are shoshin its a Mito kinko trio, desho? From what I understand all three schools are related.
  13. Thank you! Off the same sword from an earlier post, ichiryushi ?
  14. John, thank you! I was told most likely it is Togakushi Ishiguro Masatsune. Mike, thank you, Yuki it is. Thank you both!!
  15. Sorry, thought i rotated them..
  16. Thanks in advance! The tsuba i think is higashi then blank... The fuchi, naomichi? Thanks!!
  17. Thanks, fleabay actually. Coming from spain, bad description and awkward end time meant I was the only bidder...
  18. A few pics of the kozuka omote and other fittings.
  19. I appreciate the effort!! I believe the fittings would be considered issaku and when I receive it i will check the tsuba and fuchi. I have had no luck with this mei other than the ichiryu. Thanks again!!
  20. Thank you!
  21. Ive tried with little success on this one. Ichiryu kai? ju? tame? My head hurts Thank you in advance!!
  22. I thank everyone in advance for your help as this is not my department. Are there any Ichiryu school smiths ending in Tame?
  23. Finally received the sword after the post office mis-placed it for a few days. It has a shimazu kamon on tbe kabutogane, its maru-mune and is unokubi-zukure with a 24" nagasa. Im just starting to look to see if this helps refine the search as it must just based on the sugata...?
  24. Thank you for the input! Does the fuyu kanji look unique or odd? Again, I thank you gentlemen for your time!
  25. Thank you sir!
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