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    Jamie L.

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  1. Hello I am looking for translation, as well as any insight.. one may offer. VR Jamie
  2. Very cool! I wondered if it had a "religious" type meaning vs monetary.. R Jamie
  3. Wow! That is the same kanji that came up as "profit" .... R jamie
  4. I get it... I keep coming up with "profit" and I'm pretty sure that's not right.. Thank you. Jamie
  5. I would like to thank everyone for their time and efforts.. please excuse the lack of personal thank you's. As I am still figuring out the art of forum posts.. As I have done years of research into topics and areas of my own.. please know that I understand the value of time and effort. Mostly the patience in translating my questions! I am working on my vocabulary.. as well as learning Kanji. VR jamie
  6. Bruce Does this symbol/kanji mean anything? At first, I thought it was part of the design.. but now seeing it as something else. R jamie
  7. Interesting.. It would be cool to see what and how they (leather wraps) were used, with the civilian fittings. I've only seen them with the gunto swords/fitting/colors. I'm still trying to find the reason for the difference in "signature, makers name" .. as the mid and lower section of the top kanji, are different. Extra vertical line -mid and VV vs AV (hashes) on the bottom. - seems like that would be a different name. Thank you Jamie
  8. Thank you... that helps a great deal! R Jamie
  9. These two "signatures" are allegedly from the same person.. though it is noted that "this" Kaneshige, is not the same Kaneshige. Special feature:Kaneshige was a sword smith who flourished during the war in Chiba prefecture, but this Kaneshige is supposed to be a different person. This work has the same named Mei and in Navy Koshirae, but we judge this to be made by different Kaneshige. This is the question of writing styles.. is it normal to have such a difference in the Kanji markings from the "same" smith in the same year, on the same product? VR Jamie
  10. Makes more sense, as my previous research was into old pottery.
  11. Not now... as I stopped the spread of rust, and eventual ruin. Sadly I can't account for the years of neglect and mistreatment... but now that I have it.. it will stay clean and respected. As with the other antiquities I care for in my house..
  12. Pretty sure the writing style changed through the years... as other experts had to use the writing style to figure out what period the piece was made. As well as the examples of particular signature of this smith.
  13. Which part are you disagreeing with?
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