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    Japanese small arms and edged weapons.

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  1. I generally refrain from any sort of restorative work on damaged blades. This is now my 3rd. One is rather quite nice despite taking a bullet, and actually splitting the bullet in half. The other is a Copper handle Type 95 NCO sword which was struck multiple times by shrapnel, similar to this blade. I plan on oiling the blade and removing any physical dirt, but keeping it as is. I will though seek out a period tsuka with similar “wear and tear”, along with the correct fittings.
  2. Bruce, Thank you for your reply. I will definitely take a look at that link. I’ve been able to read into SMR because of this group’s assistance and it’s quite interesting. This is why Im so fascinated by battle damage, regardless of condition. These pieces experienced war and ultimately felt similar consequences as their owners. It’s as close as we can get to those men.
  3. Thank you! The blade’s condition has been seriously neglected over the years, and parts from the tsuba and below are missing. The scabbard was struck multiple times by shrapnel, with one piercing the scabbard, striking the blade, denting and bending it.
  4. Hello all, Is anyone able to translate or recognize the signature on this blade? Thank you for taking a look!
  5. Thank you for clarifying! Always learn something new here.
  6. Jean, Thank you for the very detailed reply! Glad to hear it’s a decent example. Would the Tsuka have had Same? I would assume it was wrapped at one point. As for the Kogatana, does that appear to be an authentic signature? I researched that smith a little bit and it appears that he is highly regarded and his works are quite valuable. v/r Chris
  7. Jean, See attached photos. Hopefully these help.
  8. I can’t believe I forgot to post photos of the nakago. Here are some I have
  9. Just took another look, no star anywhere or other numbers.
  10. Bruce, it looks stamped rather than inked. I did not look for any other numbers but none stood out to me.
  11. Hey all, I recently acquired this in a trade today and am wondering what the experts think. Blade is unsigned, but inside the scabbard is a hidden blade with a signature on it. I know nothing about this piece, so if you have any info to provide it will be very appreciated, especially smith and age of the blade! Thank you!
  12. Bruce, this is a photo of the other side. I also now realize that there may be a number “2”.
  13. Thank you, Bruce. Nothing else from my observations. Just the signature as photographed.
  14. Hello all, This sword is in my personal collection and I was wondering if someone could identify the smith and possibly the age of the blade. I’m assuming that this is a fairly “new” blade, being made in the 1940s, but it does seem to have been remounted once before being damaged. Based on the damage, it does appear that the blade took a direct hit from a bullet which was subsequently split in two. You can see the channels formed by the two halves, one exiting cleanly off to the right and the other to the left. See Imgur link for more detailed photos. https://imgur.com/a/Nrvm5ms
  15. Hello all, Been awhile since I posted anything new from the museum. I believe this is a general officer’s sword, but if anyone can confirm or deny, that would be helpful. Any additional information about the technicalities would be very appreciated! More photos due to size limitations: https://imgur.com/a/MZ0Ggtb
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