Arrrrr, gee, it's tough when people aren't honest. Sorry to read of it.
You wrote "...most likely get your fingers burnt,though now you can see why really good forgeries of Nihontô are so difficult to get hold of..."
Actually, if I correctly read that you want to get hold of a Nihontô copy I can highly recommend Hanwei copies. My eldest daughter's boyfriend has a mate who works for one of these companies (http://www.globalgear.com.au/) that sell reproduction swords of all types. He rang me one day and said he had something he wanted to show me. It was a "katana", and as I looked at I was amazed to see more than a semblance of hada, certainly a real hamon with some character, and most importantly of all the polish was "pretty good" for such a piece. And in a halfway decent looking koshirae. All for AUD$500. For anyone who wanted a "samurai lookalike" sword IMHO this was good value for money. It was well done indeed, and I'm used to looking at good stuff!!
As for Daniel Fox, no one amongst my sword collecting mates has heard of him (that says something!!), but one friend commented "I have never heard of him either. Although, there is/was an antique dealer in Canberra that goes by the name of Fox Antiques and I believe he dabbles(d) in Japanese swords". Might or might not be the same bloke. He is listed as ANTIQUE DEALERS, 25 Jardine St, Kingston, ACT 2604, phone/fax +61 +2 6232 6366, mobile 0409 009 994 (International +61 +409 009 994), http://www.foxantiques.com.au/setup.htm
Barry Thomas.