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Everything posted by Eds

  1. I got this business card from one of the gentlemen at the booth at the Vegas show that had the 86 swords
  2. I bought a flag from him. He said that they bought a collection of 86 swords on the way to te show
  3. i dont see anything under the habaki on either side or the edge
  4. Can't get the Habari off If that's where it is I can try harder
  5. Lots of interesting things to see
  6. I suppose that I can add that I attended the Friday show in Las Vegas. Lots to see. Didn't buy anything except a flag.
  7. This new to me Katana is different from the other Naval swords I have. This one has a wood SAYA and a rayskin Tsuka
  8. This is mine. I cant find a stamp mentioned. Is it under the habaki? Machine made? Beautiful Hamon
  9. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Thank you in advance. Looks familiar
  11. Thank you Bruce I wondered about that
  12. Bruce Tried the first time I posted and didn't get the shots I wanted. Hopefully these fit the bill Thoughts?
  13. Translation assistance Nihonto and approx date May have a very tiny arsenal stamp above the mei
  14. John Not lacquered. however I will try what you suggested Thank you. VR Ed
  15. Tsuka Maintenance Just received the Tsuka in the mail. Question. In regard to EXTREMELY dry ribbon and Ray skin underneath Is there something that you can use on or do with it to revitalize / stabilize / preserve it or do you just leave it alone?
  16. Thank you Ray. I looked around and saw a similar one from 2019. Posted above. His is in better shape than mine. . . . . .
  17. Translation assistance on another Katana Type 98 acquisition-WWII ERA I believe-assemble paint/marks Similar assembly to one other I have Does have what appears to be arsenal stamp
  18. Thank you. Makes me more confident with my purchase Ed
  19. Matt Thank you That clears that up. weird coincidence VR Ed
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