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    Damon C

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  1. Very interesting discussion. If only these tosogu could talk, the stories they might tell. 😁 I have this piece which was struck with something very hard. I guess it's plausible that's it's a sword strike. Edited just to specify I'm not referring to the unique rendering of the pine cone, but to the indention on the edge near it. Damon
  2. I'm really pleased with this little tanto-sized tsuba. The workmanship is really quite nice, and the pictures I had access to did not do it justice. As promised, better quality images attached for your viewing pleasure. Thank you again for those who provided help with the motif. Damon
  3. Somehow came across this post, Dale. Didn't realize you were looking... 😁 Damon
  4. Thanks Jake. I know the feeling. I'll post some better quality images of the piece once I've got it in hand. Thanks to all who contributed! 🙇 Damon
  5. Wow! That was quick. I appreciate it, Matsunoki. Happy new year all! Damon
  6. Hi everyone. This is a tsuba I bought not too long ago. Could anyone provide insight into the motif? It looks to me like a warrior carrying something on his back (religious statue?) has put down his naginata and stopped to tie his shoe on a bridge. 😆 I could be waaay off. I'm sure it's related to a traditional story, right? Thanks a lot for your help. Damon
  7. Thanks for starting this thread Dee. I really like your piece and it does remind me of the leaves of a daikon (radish). I have a couple of odd balls when in comes to plugs, too. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Damon
  8. Incense burner with tsuba design: https://page.auction.../auction/g1158457297 Damon
  9. A simple piece from my collection, but my favorite as it was my first. Owned by my grandfather, it was mounted on an officer's sword taken back to the USA after WW2. Damon
  10. Message sent...thank you. Damon
  11. Hello all, For reference as part of the discussion, here's a Buddhist wheel design I have, and a gear which I guess some think may be related to Christian iconography. Regards Damon
  12. Hello all, If you have a copy of this book and are looking to sell it, please get in touch with me. Regards, Damon
  13. Two nice looking inro in a lot of three with tsuba/tosogu motif in Bonham's. https://www.bonhams....1912-19th-century-3/ Damon
  14. Hi Dan. I don't have any pieces with traditional fans, but have this one which had a number of panels like the one you shared. Damon
  15. Is there a particular source for that material that you can share, Piers, or do you mean just available on the internet in general? Damon
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