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xiayang last won the day on May 2 2022

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    pre-Muromachi 日本刀, viking age swords and trying to decipher all sorts of handwriting

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  1. The part below the mekugi ana reads 雲上斎勝永鍛之 = Unjōsai Katsunaga forged this
  2. 赤城軒東愚 = Sekijōken Tōgu 行年八十一歲 = at the age of 81 years
  3. That's a shōwatō, though it may have been slightly shortened. 濃刕大杉住石原兼直作 = Nōshū Ōsugi-jū Ishihara Kanenao saku
  4. 安藤兼基鍛之 = Ando Kanemoto forged this
  5. 和州包永末 河内守包定 = Descendant of Washū Kanenaga, Kawachi no Kami Kanesada 延寳三年八月日 = on a day in the eighth month of Enpō 3 (1675 CE)
  6. That's a date: 昭和四十七年五月吉日 = on an auspicious day in May, Shōwa 47 (1972 CE)
  7. 兼㝎 = Kanesada 昭和十九年二月 = February of Shōwa 19 (1944 CE) The date seems to have been chiselled twice: once very lightly (as if someone was trying to sketch it), and then overwritten.
  8. Could be 肥州菊池住 = Hishū Kikuchi-jū and the rest of the mei was lost to suriage.
  9. 三河國住人兼弘 = Kanehiro, resident of Mikawa province
  10. 宇多真國 = Uda Sanekuni
  11. 以餅鉄盛岡住山内藤原國多作 = made with pebble iron by Yamanouchi Fujiwara Kunimasa, resident of Morioka 文久三年八月日 = on a day in the eighth month of Bunkyū 3 (1863 CE)
  12. The inscription on the kogatana reads 小林伊勢守国輝 = Kobayashi Ise no Kami Kuniteru But keep in mind that signatures on kogatana are often more of a dedication and should be taken with a grain of salt.
  13. The upper part of the inscription is covered by the fuchi, but the whole thing probably reads [信濃]守信吉造之 = [Shinano] no Kami Nobuyoshi made this
  14. The top two characters are 鳳祥 (Feng Xiang, originally a Shanghai-based jeweller founded in 1849, now a worldwide jewellery brand). I'm a bit less certain about the lower bit. Perhaps 德記 and 辛巳? The latter would indicate that the item was manufactured in 1881 CE (or 1941 CE).
  15. The bottom six characters on the right might be [奉拜?]摂刕一宮 = [on a visit to?] Sesshū Ichinomiya
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