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About Grevedk

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    History in general with a focus on Europe as well as Japan.

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  1. Evening John, I think it’s very safe to say that the tsuba with the “animals” is a very crude replica. Not one to own unless you need some private “horror” in your home. The other one (top picture) could both be either legit Nihonto or a used but okay made replica. Looks as if it’s been mounted at some point. Shows red (active) rust, some wear and a rather tired patina. I wouldn’t consider that either…. All the best. /Soeren
  2. Grevedk

    Wild things

    A wildcat with stripes in a groove of bamboo - does that count as a “wild thing” 😜 /Soeren
  3. Grevedk


    Evening Dee, First of all - thank you for posting your newest acquisitions. It’s always nice to follow other collectors taste and finds, as well as getting the opportunity to guess on maker, school, design and meaning. I have no idea who made this one. But as Justyn and Brian have stated - a heavy, solid and “a no nonsens” piece of work in its own measure and elegance. Personally I believe that some (if not most) tsuba served several functions, one of which included the function of balancing of the sword. Maybe not a critical function for a wealthy merchant in peacetime but a critical one for a warrior in times of war and unrest. Your tsuba radiate this feeling for me. Several famous sword smith's (e.g. Ikeda Kazuhide) also made tsuba with a similar look, texture and design as yours. So - authentic, made for a purpose (my assumption) and rather cool looking 😎👍 A good place to find information and to compare an acquisition: https://shibuiswords.com/tsuba.htm And - keep posting. All the best / Soeren
  4. Wild and possibly very uneducated guess - Terukane. Happy Christmas to all. /Soeren
  5. Evening Pierre, I believe it was @JakeNYC who had it on sale. Best regards Soren
  6. A few “non native” plants and flowers currently living in Denmark 🌿🍀 /Soren
  7. @k morita @Nobody, Thank you both for your time and effort - that is much appreciated. “Domo arigato” 😎👍 All the best Soren
  8. Dear NMB translators, Once again I’m in need of your knowledge and expertise. I have just received the following pictures (mobile phone) from a friend who asked for help in regard to translating the Mei. I believe it’s in Caoshu or “grass script” which I’m completely unable to decipher. It also has a golden seal “Kinin” which I haven’t seen before. The Tsuba is an heirloom from his father, and has been in the family’s possession for at least 30-40 years. It looks to be either tanto (maybe even for a Yo-roi Doshi blade) or wakizashi size. Unfortunately I do not have the dimensions at the moment. If anyone has the ability to either decipher the Mei or the seal (or both) from the provided pictures, I would be grateful. /Soren
  9. What a great idea to dedicate a place in which to view and admire some of his works. I believe quite a few members have his works in their collections. And - that might be a treat to see if it were to happen. There are many extremely learned and skilled people who over time has dedicated themselves to this art - but not many can match his skills, his willingness to share his knowledge and ability to qualify his feedback. I will truly miss that….
  10. Evening all, Should anyone have an interest in knowing the end sale of those items as a reference. Described by the auction house as being from the Edo - Meiji period. Then the above mentioned items were all sold today, Monday 12th., at the Danish auction house Bruun-Rasmussen (part of Bonhams). Final price DKR 6000,- (around 850$) before fees and shipping expenses. Total will probably end around 1200$. /Soren
  11. Evening Dale, A truly impressive work and retirement effort - and seen as a collective it could really be viewed as a true “World Heritage Tsuba Appendix” 👏🏻 Thank you 😎👍 All the best /Soren
  12. Hi Manuel, Congratulations and well done. That is skill and sheer competence 😎👍 All the best /Soren
  13. Hi Henry, IMHO - You have a seemingly nice sword, old Nakago and a blade that has seen several polish and with a Mei (name and date) that belongs to a smith of renown with a seemingly corresponding date - within his active period (year 1364 - if I’m reading Ray correct?) imported directly from Japan but without any “trusted” Origami. That could suggest something that is not in line. I think that only a Shinsa can give you any more clues or confirmation as to your questions. All the best. /Soren
  14. Hi Jesse, I can personally relate to both yours and Steve’s sentiments. I also believe that regret and / or some anxiety in regard to care automatically will follow any respectful and serious collector of Nihonto (or any antique item - for that matter) who puts on the mantle of custodian. That speck by the way would only have turned into a problem if you haven’t looked or cared - which you did 😎👍And I would guess it’s already gone… All the best /Soren
  15. Evening Sean, IMHO you have a beautiful blade by a well known smith set at a very fair price and shown in quality photos. If both of your swords had been on sale in Europe I would have considered to make you an offer - very probably for them both. Shipping to Denmark (customs and all) however is just not a viable option. You have so many nice swords available in the US while we in Europe lack that option due to severe restrictions on import from outside EU. Really hope this one finds a new home. All the best /Soren
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