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  1. I must Say AOI were very good and put loads of info with the paper work as I requested, including age and smith info with a full description of the sword, the invoice and a copy of the NBTHK cert They seemed happy to put in what ever i requested, i still think even with the correct info it can all get delays and hassles if you get the wrong customs person unfortunately. on this occasion it worked very well and i was lucky only spent a couple of days in customs and then straight though with not questions for me Tom
  2. Hi All, It seems luck has a lot to do with it, I ordered a sword 3 weeks after Paz from Aoi art , on the advice of Paz I asked them to include the sword description and invoice with the paperwork My sword arrived in customs UK on Friday morning, after reading this thread I was feeling very nervous about the whole thing , but when I checked this morning it was out for delivery and arrived today , no forms or anything. Very happy , very lucky Tom
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