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Jon last won the day on October 10 2023

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    Jonathan Davies

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  1. Hi cheers I take it late means it excludes the 1-3 generation Teruhiro smiths ? ( all the really good ones). as far as I can find of the later generation Teruhiro smiths only the 6th generation uses the Mei Harima no Kami Fujiwara Teruhiro, so although they have not clearly spelt it out do the papers essentially mean it’s the 6th generation smith ?
  2. Hi from the hozon papers could anyone tell me about this smith, generation, province, school, period ect. Cheers
  3. Cheers Jean, every day is a learning day.
  4. Just spotted this nagintata that looks like it’s been profoundly abused, by someone welding a bayonet style socket to it allowing it to be bizarrely mounted…never seen the like.
  5. Jon

    Very deep sori

    Hi Paul, that’s brilliant that you own this one..do you have any information on the school ect…I have never seen a blade like it anywhere before.
  6. Jon

    Very deep sori

    Some more pictures, it does have an interesting set of koshirae to go with that insane Sori….
  7. Jon

    Very deep sori

    Just seen this blade with the deepest sori I think I have ever seen, not sure what school etc went for such deep Sori ?
  8. I’ve been looking around at a few blades and noticed a site in Australia selling a number of katana…but from the pictures a lot of their stock looks like they have had cleaned Nakago….now I’m not sure if this is just an artifact of photography ( not understanding one of of a camera from another) or if a lot of these blades have cleaned Nakago..answers on a postcard please…
  9. Hi all, I’ve seen this sword by a BUSHYU YOSHIMASA, now I have a couple 2nd and 3rd generation Yoshimasa from the Tsukukushi Nobukuni school . Now I’m keen to pick up another Nobukuni Yoshimasa, but I’ve never come across a Bushyu Yoshimasa, anyone know anything about the smith, school wise, era and rating ? I’ve included the swords papers to show his Mei…And Judgement. cheers
  10. I’m looking for a bit more information on the fifth generation Bishu Osafune Tsuneie, including fujishiro or any other ratings anyone has ? cheers Jon
  11. just no…dry blackthorn is a travesty of nature…it’s a none traditional cider that is no longer made in Somerset…it’s made in Ireland, a nation that has deluded itself into thinking it knows how to make cider…they export the apples from the southwest of England…. In reality if cider is not made in Somerset it’s hardly worth the name ( even traditional ciders)….the sparking none traditional ciders…are the cider equivalent of knockoff Chinese “Nihonto”… If you like cider I can give the addresses of a couple of farms that will probably export.
  12. Could I borrow your wife to consult with mine on birthdays.
  13. I’m just wondering if there are any blades for sale or swap in the UK..must be papered with Mei Jonathan
  14. Lovely sword and it would go nicely with the second generation I have…unfortunately I’ve only got some Tanto to trade.
  15. I’m not sure the old ones do either 😂🤣
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