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wiktor69 last won the day on September 9 2022

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About wiktor69

  • Birthday 03/03/1969

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    Viсtor I

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  1. Terrible paint. Adhesion is completely absent and brass elements are dirty. I would wash off this paint first thing))) but I do not have extra 150,000 rubles)))
  2. Привет, Вот такой меч появился в продаже на торговой площадке:
  3. This sword has already been sold, but the description remains: "Type 98 Guntō and Koa Isshin Sword. I registered the things that I had at home since I was a child in 2013 by myself. The condition is not very good. I have only studied swords online, but I am not very familiar with them, but I will explain them. As for the surface, peeling of paint can be seen on the surface. Metal fittings such as brims have the same number of 564. Claws are present but do not stay. The blade has several blade spills. There is no bend. I cannot judge from my own knowledge whether it can be corrected by sharpening. Since it is such an item, please bid only for those who can judge from the image as junk. No claim, no return, contact after a successful bid, those who can smoothly receive processing, thank you. If you are new, please let us know from the question column. We will ship by cash on delivery by Kuroneko. As an aside, I remember being told at an early age that my grandfather's brother went to Bougainville, saw the enemy, and commanded a shootout."
  4. A rust converter based on phosphoric acid can be used on this blade. It will not be worse. Apply it with a brush and control the process. Just don't use a power tool for the next polish. Just by hand and carefully. Photo (https://zen.yandex.ru/media/armsandarmor)
  5. Hello to all, I need help translating kanji on an old nakiri knife. Top two kanji I couldn't identify. The bottom two are clear. 別撰 The markings look like a cherry petal. Thanks for any help.
  6. 山線 - Mountain line?
  7. Hello everyone, this police sword came to my collection not so long ago. I have not seen such markings on the blade before. It is clear that this is a symbol of the police and the kanji 梶. What do you think is the name of the customer or manufacturer? On all other parts of this sword there are no marks other than assembly strokes. The scabbard does not have wooden parts, it is equipped with flat springs like in German bayonets. The photo with the police shows a symbol of two crossed national flags. It is different from the symbol of the armed forces.
  8. Trystan, Thomas, thank you very much for the detailed information. Now it’s clear why there is another brand on the wooden part of the scabbard.
  9. I collect militaria and faleristics of the WWI and WWII. Finished this sword today. It turned out well. Horseshoe shape with inspection mark?
  10. Ron, thank you we have much more German militaria here, and the Japanese come across to a limited extent and often in this form (photo from Guns.ru) :
  11. Thomas, thank you very much for the links, this is really very interesting to me.
  12. Bruce, special thanks to you for introducing me to this forum. (Your publications on Guns.ru) There is a very competent community here and a lot of interesting information. The blade of the sword is really very well preserved. Thanks to two wide dents in the scabbard, the blade got stuck in the wooden elements. As for painting, I'll think about it, but most likely I'll leave it as it is. There is a lot of paint left on the scabbard and it does not crumble.
  13. One more detail. I was surprised). A simple method of sealing the elements of the handle is applied.
  14. Thomas, thank you too. Is it possible to determine the approximate year of manufacture from the number?
  15. Trystan, yes, it was found in the Artyom, not far from Vladivostok. I bought it before Christmas and received the parcel yesterday. Kanji is hard to see, but it's interesting to know its meaning. Maybe someone has a clearer picture.
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