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    Japanese kitchen knives and the occasional JNAT

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    Todd G

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  1. I can’t comment on anything to help as I’m too new to this. I was immediately drawn to the saya, I like the texture to it and wonder what it is and how it was done.
  2. Even in its current state it is very appealing to me and the horimono is fantastic. Buds to blossoms from the trunk of the tree. Congrats on obtaining it
  3. I am quickly learning that 🤣. I do know now is that when I do take that step to purchase a traditional piece, I rather pay on the font end for the polish and everything else to be spot on! I appreciate the recommendation and support. Todd
  4. I heard back from David. Backlog is 4-6 months.
  5. Very nice!!!!
  6. Good morning, I am bringing this up from the dead due to my search of the topic. I have a modern sword with a cracked tsuka. My main concern is getting it replaced with the proper fit to make it safe and maintaining the workmanship of the rest of the katana. Is David still recommended and does he have a respectable turn around time? Regards Todd
  7. Good morning, My name is Todd and currently reside in North Texas. I have been a long time unregistered lurker and finally decided to register and participate. Since my youth I’ve always been fascinated by traditional Japanese weapons. The hook was set when I visited the Kimbell Museum in Fort Worth in 2014 (I think that was the year) and viewed the Gabriel Barbier-Mueller collection. The amount of craftsmanship on display stunned me. Since then, I have visited Japan several times for work and always try and hit a museum or the Imperial Palace. I am educating myself on the subject now as I would like to make an informed purchase in the future. I have only one katana that I purchased used. It was forged by a Michael Bell, and I purchased it used from a dealer. I used the knowledge I gained here to address some of my concerns on condition and was able to strike a more than fair deal. I figured I would use this katana to learn how to handle safely and with proper etiquette so when the time comes to get a traditional one, I would reduce my chances of making any mistakes. Plus it doesn’t hurt to have one of the American pioneers in traditional Japanese sword making to start your collection. The primary purpose for me to acquire a traditional Japanese forged and polished nohinto would be for appreciation, educating myself, display, and one day passing to a niece or nephew that showed an interest. I will say as a new member that some of the terminology and depth of information is a bit intimidating. I do find it refreshing that there are many here that willing give their time to help people such as myself. I also tend to ramble so I’ll cut it here! Thank you, Todd
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