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Butch last won the day on July 6 2024

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    Japanese swords and imperial helmets

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  1. Showing more evidence of the sword being painted black notice the remnants of black paint over the leather covered sayer ..
  2. Thanks Bruce ., regarding the brown tassel I was told that it was introduced to army officers to wear late 44/45 besides being issued to the Navy ..
  3. Thank you .. Could it possibly be Navy Landing forces ? Regarding the tassel
  4. Could any body please help me with this sword . It is a type 3 with a very nice blade which is also a carry’s a Star stamp … I know a lot of people talk about swords painted black but this one does show evidence of both the leather covered saya and the fittings of being black painted at sometime ? regarding the pictures I hope they do come out ok.. Many thanks Gareth
  5. Hope some could possibly help me with a translation on this flag .. Many thanks Gareth
  6. Thank you for your help the red Kanji I thought possibly was a shrine stamp … Gareth
  7. Thanks Bruce trying to identify the shrine stamp ? Gareth
  8. Thanks Ray for your helpful comment
  9. Can anyone possibly help me regarding the translation on this flag and if possible the shrine stamp which came from the family of a soldier who fetched back a sword which someone kindly helped me with the Kanji written on the tang .. Many thanks Gareth
  10. Finally received the bits from the dealer who asked the family if there was any other thing they had . So the Warrant Officer name was John Leslie Beech who enlisted in the Grenadier Guards in 1934 and who later transferred to the Corps of Military Police there is something in his pay book from 1944 but as been blacked out …so I assume he was in Burma ? The flag is well worn like the other items that came with the sword and the colours of the flag as run due to water damage causing it to have some interesting patterns to it .. The flag is named to a Mr Higashi Hideo
  11. Here is another pic showing the difference in size of the Tsuka compared to a standard size one from my collection … there is a vast difference Gareth
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