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Pippo last won the day on April 28 2022

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  1. Help with translation please, yes full blade has been horrendously buffed.
  2. Looks like someone's practising their blade making skills and I've picked up the result for minimal cost. Could someone tell me what the characters are please ( if any meaning at all).Just curious Many thanks
  3. Tang on a civilian blade, translation help please.
  4. Well thats my thoughts but chap was adamant so thought id ask
  5. Hello, have a chap saying this knots legit but im calling it a repro ( and colours im sure are incorrect_ orange brown and mid green, not general colours or brown red/ brown blue or standard brown) but i dont know it all so could be wrong
  6. Triple wire binding which was standard european military grip binding pattern of the time, middle wire twist with wire either side.
  7. kissaki
  8. next to one of my more standard 1886s, good point about the bohi someone brought up, its actually very straight edged and consistant but is oval at end near blade point rather than the normal angled ending seen on machined fullers.
  9. inside handle , only have fuller and dawson reference books. Was trying to find old photo of type 19 i collected , back when they and ncos were all i could afford and before they started to be copied, they were all original with family mons or skulls but variety and quality of fittings and blades was quite varied ( id be thinking when patterns first came out there was a thriving smiths industry trying to outfit the army that accounted for variety before mass machine standardised). Guess what im trying to work out is has anyone got one similar even if it is an old copy and this turns out to be a decent/ old chinese copy.
  10. No nothing signed and knew tassel was a copy but left it on , the grip is some sort of reptile.yes looked on Dawson and he says various shades of sharkskin,and says general grade grip differs but doesnt elaborate. Popped my naval sword next to ot as all correct but has plain leather grip ( i always assumed replaced- sharkskins pretty well gone off svabbard bar around mounts) so wondered if this was same?
  11. Sorry, had this posted in wrong secton. had both of these swords in my collectiomln for a couple of years, but had doubts about the brown grip one as while not poorly made ( owned alot of type 19s that have all been genuine but ranged in quality) Cetainly not modern made but not like the chinese/ indian copies ive seen out their. Thoughts please and if able please explain why. Thanks in advance.
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