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Everything posted by georges

  1. Please use relevant sections of the sword sale template to include more details about your tsubas and avoid answering the same questions from multiple potential buyers. Details such as dimensions, age/era and mei would be very welcome.
  2. Wed Oct 30th Seller posts ad for 1 set of 2 books and 1 other book I contact seller to buy the set Seller gives me bank coordinates Seller offers me to buy other 5 books, without a price at first I tell seller I'm interested in 2 of these books and ask for a price Seller starts replying in Dutch (?) and tells me he wants to sell the books as a set I tell seller I don't think I want to buy the whole second set Thu Oct 31st [Halloween night] Fri Nov 1st [All Saints' Day] 6PM Seller asks me if I still want the first set of 2 books Sat Nov 2nd 2PM I answer seller Yes and make him another offer about his other books. I confirm I will make the bank transfer over the weekend after his definite answer 6PM Seller tells me he sold the first set to someone else 7PM I tell seller he didn't even give me 24 hours to confirm interest, and should have sent me a fair warning before committing with somebody else 9PM Seller announces the set is sold on his ad post Seller leaves conversation with no reply
  3. Pictures? Where was it bought from?
  4. Like I told you before : put more guidelines in the rules. And just like you pop up when say the rule of putting a price in the ad wasn't observed, perhaps do the same for the other rules/guidelines. But already clear and guidelines would help. Nothing is ever finished and I'm trying to help, so don't take it like I'm saying you're not doing a job nobody should expect you to do. I'm making a suggestion to improve your rules/guidelines so that less problems happen in the future. People are different, I get it, but that doesn't mean they can't trade in fairness and with civilised manners.
  5. No, the wrong approach is to take the easy route in an excuse to not improve anything. Every time this happens to me, I take time to inform what exactly happened precisely so that people don't end up saying what you're saying. But if every single member in this forum believes there's nothing wrong with the events I describe and therefore no reason to attempt making this forum a place that's better able to serve all its members, then yes just keep saying it's just life that sucks and continue business as usual.
  6. @Brian I'm not talking about control or regulations, but guidelines. This section has rules, so I would suggest you find a way to formulate the things that are not okay in most people's minds because they allegedly are in some's. People using this section to make some blinking-fast cash with no accountability whatsoever and leaving all civility behind (including insults in PM and racist slurs in public) is probably not what you had in mind, is it? Or this could just be another Craigslist then? It's so ironic how last time I had an issue with a seller was because I was too fast for them as they'd take weeks to answer. This time over it took this seller just one day, one, to take on a second buyer without any kind of warning even though I had already committed. In both cases I end up with nothing and my reputation ends up suffering just because I inform the thread to call these people out in an attempt to hold them the least accountable. I find it really strange that nobody cares. It doesn't take much to drive this sort of behaviour away.
  7. Here we go again. Another day, another broken deal. I was first to show interest (as in "I want to buy your blade" since other sellers seem to think "I'm interested in your blade" doesn't mean buying is what you want to do with them) and marked it on the thread for good measures. Seller responded he's opened to offers and asked me what was mine. I asked some more pictures of the nakago to make the offer since it really wasn't clearly visible. Seller said "there as good as it gets" so had to study seller's not-clear pictures instead. And when I made my offer, seller told me "sorry your to late, the blade has been sold". No warning that seller was considering other offers at the moment (though they would be wrong not to), no warning that seller was impatient or looking for immediate agreement, no warning that I had to make my offer faster, no warning that our deal was going to pass over to somebody else, just plain no communication after entering into the negotiation phase, and then gone. About 80% of the time I'm looking at purchasing something on this forum, I encounter the funniest people acting in the funniest manners. So once again this forum really needs some basic directions, if not code of conduct, for buyers and sellers alike as to how to conduct sales, because at the moment it's just a big circus where sellers just go "sorry not you" or "sorry the second guy wasn't first but hey I don't care I've sold my stuff now". And since everything is happening in the PM section, no accountability is holding them. Of course people are free to do what they want, but I don't imagine this is an excuse for abusing members and the sale section, is it?
  8. I believe you forgot to mention the blade's specs.
  9. To summarise, perfectly clear words have become ambiguous, and ambiguity doesn't call for clarification before passing on what is probably a reservation to someone else. All you get is one shot at guessing which word will be 100% clear to the seller. Had I known what the world has come to.
  10. Oh yeah, because when people answer an ad that's offering items for sale by saying they're interested, maybe they're interested in something else than buying it, right? Who knows. I mean, maybe they're interested in #3 for writing a PhD about it, they're interested in #4 for, let's say, making a Zoom conference about, and #5 that one is probably for planting in the garden. I thought we were all grown ups on this forum. Turns out, you say you're interested in items up for sale, and people have no clue what you're talking about. Oh but that other one, let's see, he used the verb "buy", let's look it up on Google. Okay buy means buy: he must want to give me his money. That must be my man then. Whatever that other guy meant. Surely he posted in the wrong window or something.
  11. @Brian Maybe you should remind people who sell stuff how this is supposed to work, such as maybe don't sell it to someone else after a first person already did so. I posted my interest in 3 items literally one hour after the ad was posted, just one. Seller tells me more than half a day later that 2 of them are already sold to someone else (whatever that person did better than me), and when I then asked how to proceed for the single remaining item, well that one got sold in the meantime. Great. So exactly what does one need to do in order to buy something on this forum? Clearly, being the first person saying exactly what you want to buy from the ad within the hour after it being posted is not, so my question is, what is? "Someone else" was selected as better buyer than me apparently. Not the first time this happens on this forum, and exactly why my reputation is currently minus 3 for voicing it the first time. Selling directions should be clarified and enforced. Otherwise, it's called discrimination.
  12. Hi, I'm interested in #3, #4 and #5. I tried to PM you but apparently you can't receive messages. Would you mind starting a conversation so we can discuss the details? Many thanks
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