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  1. Liked the aesthetics of yours much better some definitely with that melted look are standouts just saying.
  2. Congratulations just wish they would stop putting the sticker of a knife on the package but its regulation to fly.
  3. Seems like it's a big problem in California with the smash and grab if it's under a certain dollar amount now moving into the mail service be cautious of late evening deliveries when they do a drop off and no one is home in some cases you may notice it isn't your regular carrier and delivered from the main facility.
  4. Amazing picture of both sides of the blade.
  5. If not mistaken her and one other that have paid their dues in the study of Nihonto as business owners.
  6. Not to change the subject but in the old days in the show car circuit abrasive was the way now with Technolgy polishing is done with a chemical process to achieve Riddler award status different times in the future?
  7. Uncomfortable even using checked in luggage leaving Japan if the value is over 250...
  8. Yes, there was a major ransomware attack last week hopefully he's not dealing with the fallout of that like others.
  9. In regard to that line for quick reference a yamato school Taima mukugitae construction? sold at auction yesterday at Aoi still retained Juyo status.
  10. Hi just wanted to see if anyone has this catalog and maybe wanted to part with it. Best Regards, Gary
  11. One would think the carrier services would be thinking along these lines to protect their clients.
  12. Char

    Den Yagyu

    Very nice! Futatsu-Hiki Ryo motif would be interesting to know which clan used this Tsuba.
  13. Alexander just a suggestion a good book you should get is The Connoisseur's book of Japanese Swords and as Alex suggested search the overseas websites hope it helps.
  14. If you decide to go the overseas route do a lot of research even Juyo status blades may have flaws and returned, or lack of papers and the price doesn't always reflect that.
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