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  1. Found this on thr internet . I think they are machine made . What to say all .
  2. Hey bruce & brian . . Hope ur well and all . I am not sure what to expect from all the references that jaques has provided About ww2 rjt blades . Long story short is it traditionally made or not . What say u bruce , brian . Confusing really . Btw thanx vajo it mean alot . ✌️
  3. Hey bruce .will get back to you on that hilt handle . Soon. . Very bruce me imagining stephen with a chainsaw . Give me creeps . Lol
  4. Haahaha .. respect ✊🏻 stephen. . Like vajo said . U r a cool 😎 guy . . Thank you 🙏. For all your help . .
  5. Yes he is . Vajo . . Stephen the length of the blade is an exact 26 inch. .and the sword came from my uncle who served in the army who is deceased . I bought it from his son . ✌️. He is not much of a fan of swords . I guess i got lucky.
  6. By the way u look like john Cramer from the movie . Saw
  7. Stephen I understand everything. . I am sending the measurements.give me few minutes . Got stuck with some work . . .
  8. Yes vajo i did . . Thank you always the first to reply i am much obliged. And every one ☝️ Has good knowledge about these rare swords . I would say you ppl are legends . I hope i can see all your collections as well here . .
  9. Hey stephen how r u . Yup ur right we cant find these kind of sword 🗡 here . We can get the British collection but the Japanese are really hard to find .
  10. Bruce thanx alot i am not intending to sell it anyways .i was just wondering about the price so ifs worth good money i will keep it thanks again bruce . Hey stephen lol to new newbies 😆 i guess the god have blessed me . i have 2 now one complete the one with the hilt that we are discussing right now and the other gunto type 98 with the missing hilt . . I will measure the blade and let u knw . Here the pics taken before .the blade is clean . Few small rust very minor marks . Will update .
  11. Thank you 🙏 vajo for the tip . . One more thing . How much is the worth of this sword 🗡. .
  12. Thank you vajo . Thank you bruce . Thank u all for your professional opinions . This mean alot . Thank u again . Really appreciated.I am very happy 😃. . ..to know alot about it with all your help . I will treasure it . . What oil should i use to apply on the blade . So it doesn’t catch rust . ?
  13. Thanks all . This blade was made traditionally right bruce . There is another number on the bottom as well . I have attached the pictures ..name of the maker ??
  14. I managed to take off the hilt . There were 2 screws .
  15. Hi bruce thank u so much for the tip and the links. Also thanks to brian & vajo . I will take the handle off this weekend. And will update u with the pics .
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