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    Collecting, learning, travel, history.

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  1. To somewhat address your question OP: Yes, you can get a sense of a timeframe for tsuba based on factors such as design, subject and more. 50 years as you mentioned—for example—is realistic, while a specific year is likely not. If you are seeking the fun of collecting including historical, societal or other factors in a tsuba…you can get fairly close. Note: this is a very simplified answer.
  2. Colin, can you share if you ship internationally? Specifically, the US?
  3. Part of it is translated in that section on the forum. I’ll add it here. Added: 雲龍図鐔 - unryū (no) zu tsuba 鉄地 撫角形 - tetsu-ji nadekaku-gata 銘 早乙女[家]則 - mei Saotome Ienori
  4. Interesting, thank you, Brian. i feel like there is something here; then again, i could be off and just spinning my wheels. But, hey. I’m having fun.
  5. I'm really just trying to figure out what I have and doing some light detective work. Either it is an early piece and I have not been able to find references (most likely) or it was made but an exceptionally skilled armorer. Both situations are positive in my view. Here is the loose notes I have: Major Premise/Theory: What I have is a tsuba that was done by Nobuie's disciple/apprentice, Saotome Ienori. This would have been done in Nobuie's lifetime. Minor Premise/Support: Signature does not appear to be same in this example: https://www.bonhams....o-period-circa-1800/ Counterpoint: A) https://tsubakansho.com/tag/kamakura-bori/ --> May reference book as Nakamura 1963. Not validated yet. B) Tôken Tsuba Kagami, Banzuke was published around 1800s that ranks tsuba makers from the beginning through present. Materials I have to try to tie everything together: A) green papers (yes, I know they are not ideal and it will take time for me to get resubmitted because I will not mail this); B) publication, the tsuba is published in a book, but I do not have the name of the book, just scan of pages AND the book is what makes this reference; C) From Markus Sesko, the reference: "And this brings us to the tsuba makers banzuke that I was talking about (see picture below). It is titled Tôken Tsuba Kagami (刀剣鍔鏡) and was compiled by Noda Takaaki (野田敬明, 1759-1825) some time during the Bunsei era (文政, 1818-1830). ... It is also interesting to learn that two Saotome artists are found within the top ranks. Anyway, it becomes clear that this banzuke focuses on tankô (鐔工), i.e. tsuba craftsmen...". ...Saotome Ienori is listed as a top tsubashi.
  6. Thank you, Jake. It seems my reading of the line is correct, that is, referring to the 1st generation. Just trying to be objective and while this is the most likely, I was curious if I was missing anything. Context: A book I don't know the name of, but have a scan of one page, indicates that a tsuba was signed by Saotome Ienori, "a disciple of Nobuie Akechi, [and is] excellent in both workmanship and texture."
  7. Winchester

    Ono Tsuba

    Hi Steve Hsu. The first tsuba you posted I'd like to see in person, but it is my opinion that it is Kanayama. I briefly looked at the price and it seems like a good value. While this is speculative, I feel fairly confident... Some of these designs were shared, so in my newbie opinion we need to look to other points that are indicative of the den or known style. For this diagnosis, I am trying to find a sort of kantei or matrix or create one, but haven't had luck nor started yet.
  8. Thank you, Mauro. I have made a donation to the forum as promised. 373 RAN or $20 USD.
  9. Greetings, This is probably more of a newbie question, but in reading and getting bits of information here and there…I find myself at a crossroad and not sure what to make of it. I recently came across a reference to a ‘Nobuie Akechi”. In not making assumptions……….and understanding that there are 1st Generation, Genki, and Tensho…if a generic statement was made such as Nobuie Akechi (the latter being the clan?) then a reasonable person would assume reference to 1st generation when other references could have been made—should that have been the case. Does this seem to follow???
  10. Thank you in advance for any help translating these papers. I am hopeful there is a school attribution, perhaps time period or any other pertinent information that I am seeking to confirm. I will kindly make a donation to the forum as a thank you. Brian
  11. That’s a really good point, Erik. I’ll check the shirasaya and circle back; I still feel something is amiss. Re; environment: temp controlled and humidity, which is monitored at multiple points for consistency. No sudden temp changes.
  12. Winchester

    Ono Tsuba

    What is the meaning of hats on the tsuba—symbolism? It (gasa?) seem to have been a motif going back to Muromachi. Thank you
  13. I ordered the tsubaki oil that was recommended. Thanks everyone.
  14. Winchester


    I'll provide a few: learning, early iron tsuba, and classic cars.
  15. Greetings All, I have a katana that has had rust spots pop up since I purchased it a few years ago. Until now, I have just generously wiped the area with a microfiber and choji oil and it goes away. My concern is that in oiling the blade for storage recently, I noticed another area had developed (again, minor surface rust about the size of half a pencil eraser head) and am wondering 'what gives'. I have other blades that I regularly maintain and no issues with those, thankfully. There is open kitae/ware spots in a few places, should I send for a polish (it is a healthy and thick blade otherwise) and risk that the open spots go deeper. Am I correct in my understanding / inference or would a polish 'reset' things so-to-speak? Thanks for any advice. I would normally show a few photos but it is light rust that mostly rubs away and then comes back and I just oiled and put away the blade recently. Thank you, Brian
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