Dear Brian,
I understood that sales topics are not meant for discussion, but since you asked the question I'll answer it; Lately I see a lot of comments in the line of "good deal, someone should grab this...". Various members make these comments on various items offered for sale.
Just as now I sometimes feel personally addressed in these cases. Am I that someone? Should I really grab it? On the other hand, why is someone who doesn't know my position telling me what to do? And if it's really such a good deal why don't they do it themselves?!
Then in my mind the translation of these statements is that the one making them actually means;
-I like it a lot but can't afford it myself
-I like it but just not enough to spend the $$$ requested, or
-I like it but already got something similar so this does not add enough to my collection.
I guess that is what 's happening here; al lot of people will like these arrowheads very much but can't or won't spend the money to acquire them. It's been said before; swords etc are luxury items and there still is a crisis going on. $ 500 for a lovely piece of old metal or a months rent, tough choice...
Speaking for myself regarding this lot; I'm more into fullsize yari than mini-yari but if I had unlimited resources I'd buy them all in the blink of an eye! And some tusba and swords while I'm at it.... But reality for now is that I'm cursed with great taste and limited budget.
So that's my side of the story, probably resembles yours and a lot of members very much.
Best regards,
Eric K.