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Everything posted by Okan

  1. Steven, I've visited one of your posts after a year and was hoping that you've made progress in your studies..nada.. Last year you said the same thing.. you didn't have much knowledge as others on the forum but you were studying with your new books.. I see nothing has changed. You need to hear opinions here so you can use them when you are about to sell this sword on this forum.. How about your own opinions? Since your are the one holding this blade in person, lets hear your opinions for a change? I also don't find ethical about asking opinions about a blade that you bought from a forum member.. well at least you can't cancel your order this time.
  2. Smith doesn't polish the blade.
  3. It’s fake, sorry.
  4. Thank you very much!!
  5. Okan

    Gimei Hamano?

    Thank you guys!! Thank you for the pictures @Grevedk
  6. Can anyone help me out with this scroll please? The circled area plus the kao Thank you very much!
  7. Hey guys can you please help me with this one? Thank you
  8. Okan

    Gimei Hamano?

    Hey guys, How do you feel about this?
  9. Looking for a nice lacquerware stand and condition doesn't need to be superb. Thank you.
  10. Okan

    Help identify tsuba

    Thank you @Bugyotsuji and @ROKUJURO.. Jean I wasn't be able to write you an email but will do tonight Entschuldigung!
  11. Hey guys, This one has pretty simple design. I believe these are blossoms? Silver maybe? Can you also identify the school? Thank you!
  12. Okan

    A bit of Fun

    Got mine from the museum couple days ago ha!
  13. Okan

    Silver Kozuka

    Hello again I'm not sure but this one seems a bit new..maybe sometime around Meiji to Showa? or later perhaps? It's signed Gassan Saku..there is one Gassan but the signature style doesn't match..Opinions? Thank you! ps: should I clean it with silver polish?
  14. What do you think was depicted on this tsuba..Plants or..? Thank you Challenge for @Spartancrest Don't say 3 bananas please.
  15. Hi all, I've bought some tsuba(actually 7 of them and going to share some of them soon) and 2 of them are looking a bit "shiny" as in not might be Edo but later. Kyoto Antique fair was very dark and I was rushing so it's possible that I might have made a wrong decision. Can you please take a look and try to help me find its period. Thank you!
  16. Thank you so much @Geraint @uwe @SteveM
  17. Can you kindly help translate these please thank you!!
  18. Oh so sorry for rotated photos, not sure how it happened..i’m on my phone so i can’t fix it
  19. Thank you guys!!
  20. Okan

    Identify Sukashi

    Thank you Florian. But I've already been researching them for many years now. I usually don't ask if i'm not stuck. Nothing beats spending the weekend researching a 15 euro tsuba.
  21. Okan

    Identify Sukashi

    Maybe? I liked your person at prayer theory more But this makes more sense.
  22. Okan

    Identify Sukashi

    Hmm this is interesting Mark. Thank you!
  23. Okan

    Identify Sukashi

    Hmm thats very interesting Dale. I'm not sure but it can be Definitely looks like one of those early sukashi motifs but can't figure it out.
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