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Everything posted by Okan

  1. No they need a miracle Just kidding, they just need some time as I need some knowledge and experience.
  2. Here are some books on tsuba making and design. I put them on my google drive as it makes it's easier to download. They are all free and available on archive.org https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1OGmr5k-KD_srD2j2R4FmNvImNi-sgVdj?usp=sharing
  3. Not yet I'll try that in a couple of weeks where I'll have a garden to do it. I didn't want to try that inside the house.
  4. I've been trying to find out an answer to that same question...9 or 10 of the tsuba in the collection is mixed up with the wreck as there is no sign of salt corrosion on them. But the rest were eaten out and I had removed small sea shells from their nakago ana..(funny story: couple of days ago I removed another small sea shell, turned out it was copper decoration, covered with rust) Maybe they were found after a tsunami..don't know...but the deceased owner's daughter says it was a shipwreck.
  5. Your elephant is being rusted in the bathroom(intentionally) before its green tea bath need to fill those gaps first.
  6. Yes most of the collection is very difficult to restore and I don't care about the market value..I'm not trying to restore them to sell..(that being said, I'll sell or giveaway the hopeless ones, maybe someone would like to use wrought iron or study metallurgy)
  7. Well that's a very slight chance but yes it feels great Thank you the Bruce.
  8. I know they will never be in a great condition but I did my best to clean them and will continue. It took a while but I finally started to see some improvements. I know I over did the one with the birds(there is also a crescent moon behind it, probably silver, would love to see it in its best condition) Some of them are very good for some study purposes.
  9. I've read somewhere that they were allowed to wear a real sword during Bakamatsu period. Maybe I'm wrong.
  10. It can't be recent. But yes I guess something was in there and fallen out..I hope it wasn't diamond and hope it wasn't me who made it fall
  11. Hello, I just found a very little and carefully drilled hole on a tsuba. Did anyone see anything like this before? What might be the purpose of it? It's weird too see that the hole didn't rust..
  12. Yesss! Thank you very much!!
  13. This is a tough one as the condition of tsuba/signature. Will appreciate if you can take a look. Thank you in advance.
  14. Nope it was already in that condition.
  15. Yeah, her daughter said he bought these in this condition a while ago.
  16. I'm waiting to hear from the deceased collector's daughter..going to edit the topic soon.
  17. I've just fixed it Thank you for letting me know.
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