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Everything posted by NewB

  1. Hola christmas deal 28 1/4” nagasa. Healthy and in great polish barring one 6” superficial surface scratch above the shinogi. No other cosmetic flaws whatsoever. Outstanding study piece attributed to later generation Kanemoto which has been questioned by the majority of the experts in the field in the US and few of my friends who are dealing from Japan, stating more similar to Kanenobu. Be it as it may I’m giving it away as Kanemoto. Outstanding ji nie throughout but extremely dense in the monouchi area, outstanding hamon and good boshi! i think $2000 is more than reasonable for such a long blade (28 1/4” after suriage) plus overnight shipping accepting most payment methods. thank you p.s will provide detailed measurements later on today/tonight. Selling to fund my medical intervention. y https://photos.app.g...gl/z8zj9Gmqje72TYuA7
  2. Considering how eBay is and how terrible the sale prices are I’m not surprised. It shouldn’t be the practice but report it. They’ll check IP addresses and act accordingly. in the same token I’ve never had any business conducted with the seller so I can’t say yay or nay. it seems the nihonto world currently is now either juyo or above , rarely anything else matters. Even sellers refuse consignments for toku ho blades even y
  3. thank you the hunt is on it seems although I somewhat suspect that if any of those ended up in the US then they are definitely buried in someone’s vault y
  4. Be well im battling similar situation so I wish you good recovery and all y
  5. Jussi, how many masamune blades are unaccounted for except for the one that has been discussed here? thank you y
  6. I wonder why does it always go that way ?! y
  7. One a second thought I like it also haha y
  8. I’m not stating it is gimei but usually his papered pieces are not no reserve auction i bought some pieces that papered later but I did a lot of research before purchasing y
  9. I know the seller reliable however the blades are either out of polish or with flaws or gimei look at the prices of his papered examples just fyi y
  10. Different time periods (feel free to research each word I.e Shinto and shinshinto). There are over 200 smiths that signed with that name so narrowing down the period is just for research purposes. To me the good news is that the tang hasn’t been shortened and the patina hasn’t been altered. Very important to me it looks like lazy uchi mono but that’s a far fetched unsubstantiated guess y
  11. Hello welcome. Looks like a great ‘same’ with nice ornaments (menuki). It’s looks like from the bishu sukesada school. Please don’t try to clean anything as of yet until you read ‘how to take care of nihonto’. cheers y
  12. Hello i was wondering if someone knows who is the red seal bearer ? thank you yv
  13. I’ve seen inconsistent kiku by the school the hamon strikes me strange just as the nakago jiri appears ‘wrong’ comparing to my own that’s my take yv
  14. Sorry to trouble you but this is? Thank you Yv
  15. Thank you he evaluated the blade as Tsunahiro/Masahiro 2 papers, same scholar p.s I’d trade the majority of the languages I know if I could only read Japanese ;( yv
  16. I wonder if someone knows who the appraiser was thank you yv
  17. I agree Huge name Once I have a result I’ll refresh the topic thank you yv
  18. I am unable to do so as the blade is already travelling thank you yv
  19. Hello and thank you for writing. I’ve decided to submit it to NBTHK next year. I have a paper attributing it to Masahiro/Tsunahiro but it is not a reliable one although it has the stamp of an appraiser. once I hear back I’ll report the result thank you Yv
  20. Thank you all for your ‘support’. definitely not butt hurt but to know how many scholars are around and the fact i already pardoned the not so appealing photos (yeah right?) - i just find it absolutely personal that my question didn’t even get addressed! while information is not free i only wanted a take on it … and no - it’s earlier than muromachi period thank you feel free to close and erase the photos and the thread peace be upon you yu
  21. no it is not Thank you j
  22. Thank you I edited them to enhance the hamon I could see hitstsura, couldn’t photo the utsuri ‘clouding’ over it :/ that might have given a bad impression jv
  23. I can’t provide better photos.. pardon that j
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