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NewB last won the day on September 24 2022

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About NewB

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  • Location:
    Glencoe, IL, USA
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    Japanese art & Exotic vehicles

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    John V. & UV.

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  1. Thank you there are always going to be blades health is top priority at the moment y
  2. Sold - congrats to the new proprietor @Brian - it seems I’m slowly coming out of the moving sand. Once settled - more money your way y
  3. If I had the time window - sure. I showed everything to Woody Hall and he said that CAN be fixed and it is not fatal Y
  4. $2500 plus shipping y
  5. Tough to advertise but Papers lost by auction house minimal hakobore since it was dropped hence the PATHETIC price guarantee hozon or money back (less fees) shipping overnight in conus SOLD https://photos.app.g...gl/DhCUrPtt8PqGz7XH9 Y
  6. Last sentence of what I wrote is ’i could be wrong’ will leave it at that y
  7. Mike Yamasaki said that so.. I’m not doubting him y
  8. Looks coarse But beautiful nonetheless from what I understand nakago is 50% of the value I could have heard wrong y
  9. Congrats to @Mark S. great throughout @Brian if I manage to get over 2024 physically primarily ill send something your way y
  10. I read somewhere long long time ago that had some meaning. Unfortunately the article is long gone.. no im not confusing it ichimonji it would seem unpractical to shorten the blade furthermore in case the nakago is still good.. It’d be like uchi gatana at 28” 1/4 nagasa?? just my approach y
  11. Thank you as I mentioned I’m originally from there. I still ship items to family and friends and they do not pay those taxes. I’m not going to disclose how but there are legal technicalities to avoid that. with that said - $1600 thank you again y
  12. Im from the EU originally and im certain that you won’t have import taxes y
  13. Motohaba over 30mm sakihaba over 20.5mm motogasane over 5.7mm thank you y
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