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  1. Hello Soeren, the sword is currently in Germany, so it is not an impossible task to ship it to Denmark, where you live. Inside the EU there are no custom fees to be paid. All the best Stefan
  2. Final price reduction: 3900€ plus shipping and fees.
  3. The new asking price is 4100€ plus shipping and fees.
  4. Sorry for the misunderstanding. 4500€ is the asking price for everyone plus shipping and fees. It is nearly the same as $4800.
  5. The asking price for potential buyers from the EU is 4500€ plus shipping and fees.
  6. I know, but sadly this is not the first time that ebay.de cancelled one of my bladed articles due to their policies. This is absolutely nonsense on their side, but I can‘t do anything against it. The other issue with ebay.com couldn’t be resolved either. It was impossible for bidders outside the US to bid on the article, even German bidders were refused, although this sword is currently in Germany and I am a German citizen.
  7. Besides ebay.de cancelled my offer, because it doesn’t allow blades longer than 12cm. This is such a nonsense. In what kind of idiocracy we live…
  8. Now there are problems with the visibility of this article internationally using ebay.de. Nobody I called could help me to fix this problem. I will cancel this nonsense right now. Anyway I won‘t sell this sword under $5000. This price is a bargain.
  9. I called ebay again to cancel the previous auction. I relist the article on ebay.de and changed the settings, so that bidders from every country can bid on the Kurihara Akihide katana. Hopefully this works this time.
  10. Unfortunately only people from the US can bid on this Akihide katana. I contacted the ebay support team about this issue, but they couldn’t change my listing. I never intended to exclude anyone from other countries, but the ebay settings configured my listing that way automatically. After receiving some bids it seems to be impossible to change this limitations.
  11. Sorry to hear that. I posted this article on ebay.com. Perhaps logging in this site online can help. I don‘t exclude shipping to Australia. I won‘t ship to Russia, Ukraine or China. Every other destination is acceptable for me.
  12. I changed the ebay listing to an auction. Perhabs members of the message board are also interested to bid. https://www.ebay.com/itm/276909612673
  13. The Akihide is still available. The asking price remains at 5000€ plus shipping and fees for members of the forum.
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