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Everything posted by dhusker

  1. I am 67 years old and began collecting 1 year ago.......Oh, by the way I won the kozuka so generously donated by Jean, so the beginning collector tradition continues for the blade. Thanks to everyone who has helped me, especially Jean.
  2. I mounted a Lohman tsuba and used a Dremel and finished. with a file.... it worked great. Don't worry, I haven't touched my old tsubas.
  3. How did the old sword makers fit the tsuba...I thought they used a file.
  4. I have received my prize from the drawing,...a beatiful kozuka from Jean. I have a blade already and want to fit it to the kouka. How are the blades held securely in the handle? The one I bought from Grey has an s curve bent in the tang that supplies friction to hold the blade inside the handle. Also part of the kozuka is filled with a clay like substance....any ideas on this. Thanks Dan
  5. I have a 1943 and I wouldn't trade one nick or one inch of the tsuka that shows heavy wear for your sword. As Stephen says......it's the history! Seriously, I would not clean it....but that is just the retired history teacher in me speaking. S
  6. Hi Stephen, What is your opinion of this sword?
  7. dhusker

    Opinion wanted

    I like this tsuba, what is your opinon as to authenticity, value, school, etc. I do not own it, but am thinking about buying it to add to my small collection. Thanks
  8. Hi Brian, The thread died when no one answered and Brandon finally emailed me and told me I would have my sword in the first part of Jan. He wanted to get it to me before he moved to a new house on Jan. 9. I have not received my sword and I lost his cell phone # and his land line has been disconnected. I was hoping that a forum member might have his cell number. Also, he has not answered his emails for over a week which may be explained by his moving and getting cable hooked up. Thanks for any help
  9. Does anyone know how to get in contact with of Brandon Threll, sword polisher? He just moved and I lost his new phone #. His email is not working either. He lives in Janesville, Minnesota. He has a sword of mine and I need to talk to him. Thanks for the help
  10. Brian, Sorry about the mis-spelling of your name......too early in the morning here in Nebraska.
  11. Bryan, Actually I do not like it at all.....it is part of a tsuka package I was interested in for a waki I am restoring.The part I want is the tsuka which is rewraped and has new same. I already have a tsuba I purchased from a forum member. I will probably put the package one on ebay for resale.
  12. On sale on Ebay.....Is it authentic, what period, and what would the value be if it is authentic? Many thanks.
  13. I am thinking of buying this tsuba. I believe the design is Plum and Plum flower. What period do you attribute it to and any idea of the value? *picture courtesy of T. Jarrell
  14. I would be willing to pay 2 chickens and a homemade apple pie, and if the opinion is favorable, a bonus of a jar of liquid corn. :lol:
  15. Will there be a Shinsa at the show in Chicago? If not, will there be one in the U.S. this year?
  16. The U.S. government does not forbid the export of swords UNLESS prohibited or regulated by the country of the recipient. If these conditions are present, permits or paperwork is required. At least that is my understanding of the law.
  17. Thanks. My health willing, I will attend the Chicago show this spring. Do you think it is possible to have experts make an educated guess as to the maker? Thanks again.
  18. Thank you for the reply. Is it possible to determine with any certainty who the maker might have been? Can a blade with a gimei be submitted to shinsa? Thanks
  19. Happy Holidays from Nebraska
  20. You are right of course, but at my age all I can do is hope and dream :lol: :lol: All the wishing aside, this is my favorite blade, however, I only own 3.
  21. My tanto is finished thanks to Randy Black. Please make any comments to help me evaluate it....I know the mei is probably gimei, but maybe not.
  22. I have been well pleased with my 2 purchases from this ebayer. The service is first rate as is their shipping. It took 4 days from Japan to my doorstep in Nebraska. The Fuchi Kashira were nice as was a tsuka. No, they are not great collector items but they suit my purpose. Incidentally, Takashi Hanamoto is a good communicator, his English is very good. Just my 2c worth.
  23. Thanks Brian....brandon just called, he has been moving and now has a new number, all is well. Dan
  24. Can anyone help me to contact Brandon Thell? I sent him a blade and have been trying to contact him with no success. I have tried the phone number he gave me and it is disconnected and my emails have gone unanswered. Do any of you have work you have with him? Thanks. Dan Moderator, if this is inappropriate let me know.
  25. This was on my tanto when I purchased it. Can anyone tell me what the figures represent and what time period? Thanks
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