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  1. @Spartancrest would call those "New"
  2. The term "Dai Sho" sure has a lot of different interpretations
  3. Great stuff Kirill
  4. disagree. @Stephen couldnt give away his kozuka. Tsuba worth $100 though
  5. Great idea @Steves87
  6. the evolution of collecting and study that we have all been on for sure!
  7. Excellent 🤣🤣🤣
  8. @Spartancrest can you edit that picture for him to be pushing a Katana Kake?
  9. Agree! Market is so terrible now, you cant give stuff away! One may ask "Why would the NBTHK designate something as "worthy of preservation" if it is only of mediocre quality" - reinforcing the ethos that one should not paper
  10. That was a crazy time 🤣 Indeed Green Kicho not worth the ink
  11. Hilarious Piers! 🤣
  12. I’ve tried to sell the above Shoami for the cost of the papers ($250) and nary a nibble. Tread cautiously grasshopper!
  13. Another example. Papered to "Shoami". Shocker!
  14. I would not paper anything that you have a good idea of the provenance of. I have learned over the last few years of my study that papers are just educated guesses on the attribution of the piece and are relatively worthless as a value added addition to an item. Many times, different appraisers provide different attributions, thusly nullifying the effort and burning your $$. An example below. I know this is Owari Kinko. If i send it to get papered, it will come back and Tokubetsu Hozon to Owari Kinko. Now the question is, why would i spend $250 to paper it?
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