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  1. Hard to argue with Kyle on the above!
  2. I was watching that set too @Mantis dude - I wasnt sure how commonly different types of metals (Yamagane for the cricket and shakudo for the mantis) were used for a paired set and was doing research on that. Looks like they are indeed meant to be together - congrats!
  3. Terrible. Papered to “Mino”. If that’s worthy of preservation, than anything is.
  4. Phenomenal But no papers? https://www.jauce.com/auction/r1176607108
      • 1
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  5. Interesting how this one is apparently setup for a boys sword? What are the indentations above and below the nakago-ana for? https://www.jauce.com/auction/m1176213553
  6. Great to hear Stephen!
  7. I havent seen this on a nakago before, anyone know what it is and the history of the application? https://www.jauce.com/auction/h1174332059
  8. Seconded, its a roll of the dice. Shinsa team reminds me of this
  9. My all time favorite
  10. To each their own of course. Very few have been satisfied with NTHK attributions of late. Plenty to read on that here in the forums. Hence my query for why you would bother. Good luck on your quest.
  11. Perhaps. Maybe pertinent to submit two times at two different shinsa. If the results differ, submit a third time. Continue to submit until reaching concordance.
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