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lonely panet

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Everything posted by lonely panet

  1. 149 ebay tsuba omg This dosnt sound good
  2. USD or AUD??
  3. I see we both watch his website. Great company to deal with
  4. Hey if you got the money and you like it. Anything is possible at auction. Just means a very very very slow reale time frame
  5. You have some very fine examples of schools there
  6. dont be vague, price range please??
  7. He got the redcross dirk, whooooee. rare
  8. Im still surprised aoi is mentioned in positive terms. A guy i would never buy from. Onto quality. Its a very small area of study and collection. Like any area, good things move in closed circles because friendships last over decades. A sales relationship only lasts as long as thr buyers are getting the prices they like. Also iv refused to sell to people because they dont have the understanding of how to treat a nihonto. We are caretakers not owners. Uneducated people damage things through ignorance
  9. iv been waiting 16 weeks for a tanto now now. cant rush the system
  10. dont be lead astray but uneducated words, everything show in these pictures is just modern repro s**t, full stop the end. its not Japanese, its not evan pre 1980's. you have failed to educate yourself with books before buying. thats not a gamble its being uneducated
  11. Hi guys, found this at the bottom of a tsuba box and it appears to show the tsuba i bought in that add. could the there be a date? or shop name. big thanks to everyone for help. regards H
  12. Hi Curran, yes the Tosa work imho is gem, 2nd Gen signed TOSA KUNI JI MYOCHIN KINO TOSHIO. the filled hitsu ana are odd but very pleasing. this is technically and study and release piece, to fund my akasaka fetish but honestly i think it surpasses akasaka in some aspects. its thick too 6.75mm. ill pm you curran soon.
  13. yes, our local post office. a change of staff occured only 4 weeks ago. i offically classify all postal workers as theiving scu,m until proven otherwise now. i was lucky, because there was a 2nd gen tosa mychin and a 6th gen akasaka
  14. After threatening with reporting it to the police yesterday as theft. xxxx me it was magically found. Case closed
  15. thats one thing about paypal, they have fees but they cover you incase of theift
  16. They where received into my local post office. This is acknowledged by them. The pufff missing. And yes same tsuba
  17. Hi guys. Keep a eye out for these two. Stolen aka lost by Australia post employees on Monday. Police report will be filed tomorrow. Full tracking and signature on delivery and insurance. But still not enough these days
  18. The silly white man knows no better hahahaha 😆
  19. Theres always a rich idiot out there. Remember a rolls is just a impulse buy at a yacht show To quote a fat english economist
  20. Theres alot of iffy stuff coming out of jauce atm. Afew yasukuni and minatogawa To that just make me think Hmmmmm.
  21. from a questionable dealer, what can we expect??
  22. Check aoi arts page. Theres stuff similar sell there.
  23. lonely panet


    well i bought it out of interest so whn it arrives we can discuss more
  24. lonely panet


    Ok, bokken tsuba. You learn something new every day. Thanks again guys. Is it normal to have elaborate tsuba for a bokken?
  25. lonely panet


    would this be made for a pole arm or something else? it was clearly made as a tsuba
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