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lonely panet

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Everything posted by lonely panet

  1. Im surprised how difficult the photo and the oshigata make the nakago look. I would have said suriage with daimei
  2. Mine with funny hitsu ana
  3. ichimonji of some sort?? something bizen or ...
  4. You have got something special, well done
  5. What am i missing with these 2? Bit average looking
  6. false hope and helpfull words, when cpr isnt working is just wasted time. dont waste a new begginers time with false hope a felpfull kind words. "end of life" for this item. learn from this and move on. there are cheaper but just as furfilling areas in the Japanese arms area that are more affordable levels if that tikles your toes
  7. if you cut jacques a break, and actually look with your eyes. you will find this blade is dead, there are more them 10 things that raise serious issues. stop judging the poster and start studying the sword
  8. can peaple seriously look past that weilded on nakago??
  9. this program tho fun to watch is just that. fun to watch but fantacy
  10. Newly registered famous sword, short sword, "Suishinshi Masahide (stamped)", inscribed, Minamoto Kiyomaro, Daikei Naotane, Edo Sansaku, famous sword discovered this year, registration certificate included | Jauce Shopping Service | Yahoo Japan Auctions. eBay Japan
  11. i dont like that nakago at all, warning bells, alarms, peaple scrambling for cover..... i think that nakago has be put on after the fact
  12. buy the hightest quality you can afford, study it well. sell the item for more then you paided and buy a higher quality item continue this until you are satisifed you have a peice worth keep. then start this process again. you may only have 5 or 10 items but your always learning, looking and finding quality. quality pieces equals quality education and learning. what can you learn from 50 or 100 pieces of low quality junk?? how to run out of space maybe??
  13. You can, but its frowned apon
  14. Ohhhh. Im not in Europe What school tsuba ??
  15. If the dealer cant see that the saya is modern fake crap. He isn't a reputable dealer. Just someone making profit of his ignorance. Run away and save you pennys
  16. Ok. Get ready for fees. Small annoying fees. Winning fee Local delivery fee Banking fee And the postage and taxes. But the selection of items both quality and price is 1000 times better. Firstly you must have money in your jauce account to bid. When you win the item is posted to jauce, they pack it and send it to you. There packaging is the best. Double padded in sturdy boxes all send via Japan post tracked an fully insured. Proof of id at pick up. All this can extend the time from buy to getting it in your hot little hands. If your tsuba knowledge is good you will find gems at good prices. If you want to buy drink coaster tsuba like the crude things afew posts above that you couldnt attribute to a school or smith or learn anything from. Then ebay is the easier option.
  17. Edit, we must have posted at the same time
  18. Oh my lord thats good work
  19. im still dumbfounded as to why "this" dealer is the point of measurment to other sales. far better, more honest dealers in Japanese to use as a ruler then aoi
  20. There you go snappy Dan. Positive comments.
  21. I understand your approach dale but on a law of averages. Ebay vs jauce for honest tsuba at honest prices with honest descriptions. Jauce hands down. Ebay is 95% rubbish now. 15-20 years ago it was good but now i wouldnt even shop there for sex toys
  22. Money is not a indicator of intelligence but monkeys do like bananas
  23. Correct. Ijima factory if i remembers correctly
  24. Ebay has 2 things. Crap tsuba and over priced tsuba. Jauce is a far better option for the tsuba hunter if you know what your looking at
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