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lonely panet

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Everything posted by lonely panet

  1. Because rich peaple buy what they want
  2. Its not suguha hahaha
  3. they arnt tsuba, its not a tsuba, its a paperweight commemorating a event of something. do your homework, it was never made to fit on a sword so its not a tsuba.
  4. That tassel hasn't spent 10 years on that sword let along 70.
  5. The "notch" is just a form of assembly numbers. The idea of notches to heads taken is utter twoddle
  6. Its aoi art. Not a person i would buy from.
  7. apart from the spider rust, light pitting etc etc
  8. Its old papers so you gamble. Some smiths arent worth faking. And at this price range what are you complaining about. Its dirt cheap so it's going to have issues of some sort.
  9. i wish you luck, shame your losing a huge chunk of potental bidders
  10. why dont you ship to australia?? tried bidding but got refused
  11. Noobs. Can Google the nmb but not thr nihonto taren kai Joke guys
  12. something about the hada looks like gendai???? or am a idiot
  13. Hes only just joined the board so might be unware of the rules.
  14. is this one of thoses to hard ones?
  15. thought it was a elephant, i have bought from this dealer before. read and look very hard is all i can say
  16. Hi guys, what school if at all could this tsuba lean towards??
  17. I have some tsuba in that price range but like gray said. Unless your very very very very very very lucky, the only thing that price range will get is junk
  18. The blade is most likely not a true nihonto. The vast majority of these sword model have Blacksmith style blades. So a talented Blacksmith might be able to help, as the metal in these types of blade can be springy. . Pics will help, as i dont see a mekugi so i bet its either a screw in the pommel or a peened over end
  19. Thats a busy hamon
  20. Hi guys. Does anyone know if i can buy a matchlock and import to Australia?. Rang firearms branch in sa and they couldn't answer because they dont know what a matchlock is
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