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    Any Japanese artwork is of interest.

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  1. Thanks to you both! I thought the tsuba was kinda interesting in its design.
  2. To add it's roughly 3.5 x 3.25 inches.
  3. Hello all! I recently came into possession of an iron tsuba. Based off what I've seen it's a Tempo tsuba and (probably) latter Edo Period. Any information would be greatly appreciated!
  4. Alright, thank you, and will do.
  5. Aethel_berht


    Hello! I am looking for a qualified Togishi, I have some names in mind and would like some opinions. I have heard great things about Jimmy Hayashi, and from another forum I heard about a Togishi named Christopher Osborne? Any information would be greatly appreciated!
  6. Alright I'll get that name thing cleared soon. I'm potentially looking to have the blade polished by a togishi. Do you think that this blade would be worth polishing and if so do you know any togishi I can contact? Any information would be very helpful!
  7. Hello! I recently obtained a Katana and was wondering if anyone had any information to spare on it. It is signed as Hirokuni from Bushu. I believe it is a Shinto Era blade.
  8. "Genna Era" So 1615 - 1624?
  9. The guard makes me think its a type 94.
  10. Here, I hope this video helps:
  11. Is this related to WWII in any way? The leather on the saya looks like it has a leather covering from that era. (However I am inexperienced with those.) Any pictures of the tang? Heres a wwii leather cover.
  12. Thanks for the help, I figured that the blade was shortened at one point considering the tang and the Machi Okuri.
  13. Thanks, i'll definitely get it looked at.
  14. Heres some extra pictures.
  15. Yeah sure! Here is some more photos.
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