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Yamato collector

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    New York City
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    Japanese arts including wooden sculptures, chawan and other ceramics, textiles, and tsuba.

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    Ron A

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  1. Hello Krystian , Might be interested in #4. Still available? More pics? Thanks! Ron
  2. To summarize Kelly's fees: 15% of the auction end price (6000yen minimum per item) Paypal fee (not specified) All blades over 15cm: 35000 fee includes receiving, examination, photographing, export permit application to the Ministry of Culture, cancellation of the torukusho registration at the police department, EMS, and insurance (extra fee for high insure).
  3. Thanks for the leads Brian! Found this page about Kelly Schmidt's Japan Auctions services: https://www.facebook.com/Japanese.antique.auctions/about_details
  4. Hello, The Japanese proxy services I have used (DeJapan, Zenmarket) don't deal with swords, or items with certificates that require special permission for export. Does anyone have any recommendations? Thanks! Ron
  5. Thanks Glen, I had a feeling that it's cast. And no need to say sorry, because haven't bought it! Appreciate how you adjusted the image to make it easier to see the seam. Will definitely be doing that in the future. So how much would such a tsuba sell for as a cast piece? Ron
  6. Wondering if anyone can give me an opinion on whether this tsuba is cast or hand made:
  7. Ordinarily, do you use EMS or some other airmail option? Do you have any idea whether small packages are more likely to get lost by surface? Thanks!
  8. How does this sound? Antique Samurai face guard, over 100 years old: tariff code 9706.00.00.60 / 9705.00.00.40 (ethnographic)
  9. Hello, is #3 (Burawoy) still available? Shipping to the US (zip 10003)? Thanks!
  10. I'm going to be receiving a menpo I purchased in Japan and am wondering what to ask the seller to use for a description. The value is around $1500, over the de minimus $800. I'm pretty sure it's over 100 year old; don't think many were made after 1820 and the facial hair has broken off. That said, I won't have any documentation to that effect, especially as it will be shipped by a proxy rather than the original seller. (Any suggestions?) Was thinking of: Samurai face guard, over 100 years old: tariff code: 9706.00.00.60 / 9705.00.00.40 (ethnographic) What do people think?
  11. Surprised. Curious what category they used that was duty exempt. Not to mention that I've been reading that there is a issue with weapons importation.
  12. Thanks: Under $800--the duty free limit--there's no issue.
  13. Thanks Al. Yes, there is surface mail. Good to know that it's reasonably reliable, if slow. Curious, was the sword valued at above $800? Ron
  14. Hello Grey, Thanks for the advice, but can't trust that will be the case. Indeed, I about two months ago I had a daimyo fireman's hanten sent from Canada with Fedex where the dealer marked it as antique, Fedex requested certification of it being an antique, and still customs reclassified it to a category for vintage clothing incurring duties. Also a proxy service in Japan informed me that US customs has been getting more suspicious of declarations of late. It seems that this is less likely when sending it by postal service: but there has been no package service from Japan Post due to COVID.
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