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    George Morgan

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  1. OK my sword went off to the shinsa. Was very pleased to get a positive reception. However all I can base that on is the 75 point score awarded as my Japanese is non existent. If someone would be kind enough to take the time to translate I would be most appreciative. ">http:// ">http://
  2. Curious about value of shinsa documentation. I am unable to attend so will have to have someone act on my behalf to submit. As there is a fair amount of work on their part their fee will add substantially to the cost. So my question is, to what extent do shinsa papers add to the value of the sword, in particular when both mei and date are unquestionably valid? Any thoughts or comments welcome. Thanks in advance.
  3. Just FYI if in/near Massachusetts http://www.worcesterart.org/exhibitions/samurai/#opening http://www.mfa.org/exhibitions/Hokusai and anytime http://www.springfieldmuseums.org/the_museums/gwv_smith_art/exhibits/view/35-japanese_arms_armor#.VR2vho10yUk
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  4. The very best review of anti rusting products. I have used EEZOX (easily found on EBAY) since reading this as I do a lot of target shooting both modern and black powder. Once you use EEZOX all other preservatives pale. http://www.6mmbr.com/corrosiontest.html
  5. The Worcester Art Museum will be presenting an exhibit of Samurai related objects beginning in the Spring and running into the Summer of 2015. While the Museum has its own collection of relevant objects, now strongly augmented by those items formerly in the Higgins Armory, they do not own a daishō and would very much like a loan set for the exhibition. Anyone interested in making such a loan please call Jeffrey Forgeng, Curator of Arms and Armor, Worcester Art Museum, 508 793 4481.
  6. Appreciate all the responses. If anyone can translate any of the words perhaps someone else might be able to fill in the ones they miss. Anything is better than nothing. I am aware that placement of the character or symbol may determine either its meaning or the meaning of the word preceding or following. Even a partial translation "may" give some indication of the message/song/poem. I have a small collection but have not seen an inscription on any kozuka before,any other known examples?Many thanks.
  7. Interesting that the mystery continues. The inscription is so well done that I believe it to be real not just some meaningless scribble. The name on the blade is Yamashiro no Kami Nobutoshi which I am sure will be no help but if someone recognizes him and can tell me anything about him I would appreciate. Thanks On another forum I posted this too I am informed this is Hentaigana a former unstandardised form of what's today Hiragana. Now all I need is to be pointed to a person, institution, museum, university department, etc. that can translate.
  8. Back of kozuka,several Japanese readers cannot figure it out. Any thoughts by anyone appreciated. Thanks.
  9. The blade appears to be of much nicer quality then typical gunto to my novice eye. But the signature may tell the tale. Any help in the translation and then thoughts about validity appreciated. Vet bring back. Thanks in advance. Regards. http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f382/ ... g~original
  10. Many thanks,I am so very impressed by everyone who answers.The knowledge and willingness to share is as good as it gets. I wish I had more to contribute and hope that my commitment to save a sword when possible is seen as of some value. Thanks again.
  11. Maybe an opportunity for me? Would require polish and shirasaya and only two poor photos to help in making a go or no decision. As important as the translation (if it can be translated from such a poor photo) would be any comments about age, the smith, general thoughts about taking a chance? I know that it probably makes more sense for a novice like me to purchase from a reputable dealer a sword that has already been either maintained or restored But I prefer being part of saving the past by having a sword restored. Even if I cannot do the work, having it done means I am part of saving a unique object. Sorry about how photobucket requires you to click on the little magnifying glass twice. Any thoughts appreciated. Thanks. http://s51.photobucket.com/user/steibls ... sort=3&o=1 http://s51.photobucket.com/user/steibls ... sort=3&o=0
  12. Thanks for the translation. Real or forged signature,I love it. The ura manji on the belt of the horseman any particular significance or reference to a specific character? He also seems to be hooded? Identifiable? Thanks again.
  13. Have to photo in sections due to lack of expertise. The sword is out of polish and has been neglected and perhaps abused but I hope these photos will help in identification. Hard for me to see if there are any togariba. Please comment, Thanks again http://imageshack.us/a/img856/1449/jypm.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img191/2015/fzkt.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img819/92/udv8.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img46/8306/0vi8.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img401/2379/xhor.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img687/2416/0fsa.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img441/3889/i9x2.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img20/2544/tje1.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img13/9582/yjap.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img827/756/ziib.jpg
  14. Even better perhaps? Many thanks guys. This appears to my novice eyes a rather delicate katana. The tsuba is more typical in size to those found on a tanto. The nagasa measures 24 7/16. I am not able to properly photograph the blade. If it is ever definitively identified as a Nagakatsu blade when would it have been made? http://imageshack.us/a/img12/4319/82rw.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img17/7396/f1c3.jpg http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/6449/wo9l.jpg
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